CBSE has directed the affiliated schools to refrain from making changes in the original student registration data. The affiliated schools have been instructed to maintain an error-free registration records for students in class 9 and 11 so that subsequent changes are not needed.
CBSE circular to this effect was send to the schools. The circular stated that the schools must send the finalized student registration data to the concerned regional office. The schools are further directed to use full names of the students and their parents instead of the abbreviations to preclude ambiguity.
It is often seen, observed CBSE, that the students often request for change in the data after class 10 and 12 examinations and this creates difficulties at many levels and can lead to creation of new identity.
Besides the directions about flawless registration, the circular also stated that the registration must closely and strictly follow the CBSE guidelines regarding the student teacher ratio(1:30) , the maximum number of students permitted in one section (40), and maximum number of sections school is allowed to have for a particular class.