The Rashtriya Bal Vaigyanik Pradarshani (RBVP), a prestigious national event fostering scientific interest in children, unfolded at the Shree Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex in Mahalunge, Balewadi, Pune, Maharashtra, from December 26 to 31, 2023. Organized annually by the NCERT in collaboration with one of the states or UTs, this edition is hosted by the Government of Maharashtra for the third time.
The grand inauguration witnessed the participation of eminent dignitaries, including the Governor of Maharashtra, Ramesh Bais, and Chief Minister Eknath Shinde. Prof. Dinesh Prasad Saklani, Director of the National Council of Educational Research and Training, and Prof. Sridhar Srivastava, Joint Director, also graced the occasion. This year's RBVP showcased 172 scientific exhibits from 167 schools across 27 States, UTs, and six organizations, encompassing KVS, NVS, CBSE-affiliated public schools, and more. Notably, 77 schools hailed from rural areas, 85 from urban regions, and four from semi-urban settings, with a special representation for tribal students.
The exhibition featured projects aligning with diverse themes, including advancements in information and communication technology, eco-friendly materials, transport and innovation, environmental concerns, historical development with current innovation, and mathematics applications. A total of 120 girls, 150 boys, and 180 contributing teachers from various corners of the country presented their projects, contributing to the vibrant scientific atmosphere RBVP is renowned for.