Search Results For : High-School

What Are The Duties Of A School Principal?

There is a humorous saying which goes like this: a person was confused as to who he should become in the future. He wanted to be a teacher, lawyer, counselor, police officer, politician, healer, manager, nurse, researcher, coach, detective, and also a security guard. As he couldn't correctly choose ... Read More

Qualification For A School Principal

Teaching is more than imparting knowledge. It's about inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts. It's about acquiring understanding.... Read More

India’s First National Assessment Regulator - PARAKH

India's first national assessment regulator PARAKH (Performance Assessment, Review and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development), is tasked to work on establishing standards and guidelines for student assessment and evaluation. This will be applicable to all recognized school boards in the cou... Read More

PISA, A Programme Exclusively to Measure Cognitive Thinking in 15 year olds

Education has not only gained elevated standards in contemporary times but also has nuanced dimensions. Evidently, students as well as teachers are occupied in the process to make a shift from the traditional mode of learning.... Read More

Top 10 Criteria for Selecting a School for your Child

We have, in one of our earlier articles, shared the insight on the parents’ viewpoints while selecting a school for their children. In this article, I am conversing with the parents, sharing information that will help them in considerably narrowing their search for a perfect school.... Read More

Atlantis - The World School - A testimonial to the tradition of educational excellence

The K-12 education made its presence in India with the assessment of need of a continuum of education in early to adolescent years. This type of academic model had become customary in other countries and currently India is keenly advancing towards adopting K-12 educational framework in schools.... Read More

Starting a School in Remote Areas – A Case Study

The STs have largely occupied remote areas of the country which remains a crucial challenge for its development. The distinctiveness that these people bring in is their lifestyle which makes them unique from the mainstream section. As per the 2011 census, the population of these communities was abou... Read More

NEP 2020: Ideas on the Ideal Age to Begin Formal Education

The National Education Policy has made many radical departures from how the schooling has come to be perceived in India. One of the major changes that the NEP proposes is to integrate the early childhood schooling into the primary schooling system i.e. preschooling will become a formal part of the s... Read More

Policy Changes Warranted to Ease Opening Private Schools

Private Schools in India are non-proprietary enterprises. Procedures to open a school in India must be eased to the highest possible degree to excel in the global developmental race, given that school promoters are committing their resources to educate children of India and contributing to the most ... Read More

Comparing CBSE and State Boards

The education sector in India is expanding and so is the choice of the students and their parents. The choice which is much deliberated upon is the one between the education boards. There are many options to choose from which are mainly, national boards (CBSE and CISCE), state boards that include al... Read More

Early Childhood Education in India and School Readiness Program

All eyes are on the upcoming National Education Policy 2019. Time is ripe and expectations are high. It is natural to expect the NEP to deliver guidelines that transform the education scenario in the country. There are very many subjects that have rightly found voice in the NEP but there are subject... Read More

Relevance of Soft Skills in Students

In a progressively diverse and globalized job market, school education, degree/diploma, certifications, skill development, job readiness, and suitable employment have become buzzwords in discourses on education taking place at the global level.... Read More

Covid-19 pandemic and Indian Education System

The pandemic has brought the digital divide in India into the popular consciousness. The schools remain closed for the fifth consecutive month. At the time like this only the schools that were digitally equipped and the parents who were able to secure connectivity with the World Wide Web were able t... Read More

How Audio Visual (AV) learning can change the future trends of education?

The classrooms of today are equipped with numerous Audio Visual (AV) aids but they were best used when teachers and students share the physical space at the time of teaching-learning.... Read More

Parents in Bangalore to set off an avalanche on twitter with 40,000 pro-online classes tweets

The states have imposed the ban on virtual classes in different degrees. While M.P. has banned online classes for the primary and pre-primary classes, Maharashtra has restricted live online classes up to 2nd standard. The permission for prerecorded videos still hangs in the balance.... Read More

Top mistakes to avoid while starting a school in India?

The idea of starting a school is noble and at the same time it is a warranted social enterprise. It requires immense commitment and dedication of the school promoter or an educational entrepreneur... Read More

Challenges Faced by Newly Set-Up Schools

The education sector in India is constantly expanding due to the high demand fuelled by the country’s increasing population. Education is the core need for our children to acquire knowledge and become responsible citizens in the future. Through various initiatives, the government has made education ... Read More

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