Search Results For : School/

Distinct Ways to Aid Virtual Learning

The pandemic with which the world is grappling with appears to have a prolonged duration with an increase in the count rate from around two thousand to three thousand cases per day. However, the fatality rate is low as compared to the number of people diagnosed with the disease. But still people aro... Read More

Delhi schools’ happiness classes are busters of stress

Delhi schools have apparently find the way to dispel stress in children with the aid of what are aptly called Happiness Class. The anatomy of a typical happiness class contain simple playful exercises including rubbing of hands and putting them on the eyes to relax, motivational talks and meditation... Read More

New skill modules covering coding and data science introduced by CBSE, supported by Microsoft

In collaboration with Microsoft, CBSE has introduced new skill modules, namely data science, and coding.... Read More

Updated NCERT Textbooks Anticipated to be Implemented in 2024–2025

According to Education Ministry officials, new National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) textbooks updated in accordance with the new National Education Policy (NEP) are likely to be implemented in schools starting with the 2024–25 academic year. The National Curriculum Framework... Read More

Teacher Training and Learning Outcomes

There has been a lot of deliberation over the level of qualification and skills of teachers teaching across schools in India. Teacher training policies have been reviewed and commissions appointed to study and report on the scenario.... Read More

Do co-curricular activities complement learning outcomes?

We have discussed, assessed and compared contemporary curricula being taught in schools across the country in our earlier articles. We have also touched upon several co-curricular and extracurricular... Read More

Interdisciplinary Approach and the Contemporary Education

While we emphasize the importance and primacy of learning outcomes in the entire exercise of the establishment of schools, we try to keep school promoters, students and parents abreast of different approaches... Read More

Comparing IBDP and Cambridge A LEVEL

The international education programs which generate tremendous curiosity among the students and parents are run by the International Baccalaureate Organization and Cambridge International. We have add... Read More

Selecting Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) for Schools

Interactive whiteboard is a 21st century substitute to the black board is also known as smart board. It is a mediating technology useful in turning the class increasingly interactive. It is a significant addition to the learning environment and a defining feature of educational technology for classr... Read More

Mindspark—Maths and English Education Vitalized

Often, students are get accustomed to dislike English and Maths due to their confusing grammar lessons and tricky problems respectively. The traditional method of learning has made it complicated for most students to develop an interest in these subjects. However, in the contemporary times, it looks... Read More

Learning Matters—How a Powerful Tool to Modify Education in Rural Areas Evolved

Saras has an overall 18 years of experience in various child education programmes, managing digital contents and also teaching in the US. She has two MS degrees from Purdue University in Child Development and Special Education. After returning back to India she contacted her friend Gowri who was wor... Read More

Evaluating the progress made in the decade in the arena of teacher-development

The said teacher training program was initiated for the training of the teachers who are in-service. The program was initiated in October 2017 by MHRD with the objective to impart training and award Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.).... Read More

Why do Schools fail to get admissions?

Efficient school management emphasizes the bonhomie between the management and the employees, most importantly teachers and management. The expedient measures were taken in this direction improve the receptiveness of the employees and increase the training outcomes almost certainly. It improves the ... Read More

Best Selling Montessori Education aid

Our recordings make evident that certain school supplies are acutely rising in demand on India’s Leading Hyper Local Market exclusively for schools and the trend is sustained. We genuinely aim at being a helping hand to the school leaders by facilitating high-quality products directly to schools.... Read More

Is Artificial Intelligence a Fad or a Fact to Come to terms with?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) appears to be taking baby steps towards its progress since many prominent figures in the field of science fictionand movieshave been anticipating about the catastrophic changes that would probably arise with the rapid increase of artificial intelligence for decades. But ... Read More

Swapping Traditional Classrooms with Flipped Classrooms

A change is required for people to get more engaged in their day-to-day activities. People’s interests are constantly hit by monotony and they search for diversity. Education is a sector which requires great deal of enhancement to enlighten young minds. The remodelling of education has happened in t... Read More

Khan Academy, Digitizing education and broadening horizons of schooling

The founder Salman khan also known as Sal Khan has produced around 6,500 video tutorials which basically covers all subjects mainly focussing on maths and science. A well- educated man who has three degrees from MIT and MBA from Harvard. The Khan Lab School is also founded by him which is a brick-an... Read More

Solo Taxonomy, An Approach to Understand Different Levels of Students’ Understanding

However, in 1982 Biggs and Collis came up with Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes or SOLO Taxonomy which is an alternative to Bloom’s version. Bloom described about the level of cognitive skills like from remembering to analyzing and evaluating. The SOLO taxonomy implies how the learning model ... Read More

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