Search Results For : School

MOOC, An Online Distance Education Platform

MOOC is a platform where teachers and students collaborate which contains a pool of resources that are readily available. They have the option of listening lectures and downloading notes and the most important thing is interaction and communication with your peers. Networking seems to be of great re... Read More

Project Based Learning, Connecting Real Life with Theory

Education is a way to upgrade ourselves about various information that is available and develop skills and techniques to revolutionize the working of a society or a community. We provide education to children not only to get into good grade category but become a useful member who bring about a minus... Read More

The Act Of Role Shifting: Teachers Becoming Learners And Learners Becoming Teachers In Today’s Educational Realm

In the participatory approach to the learning process, the role shifting of teachers becoming learners and the learners transforming into teachers are obvious. In the present day classrooms, teachers and learners are both learners and teachers.... Read More

National Education Policy: Key-Systems that will Drive Reforms

The national education policy has been put into effect and now the practicalities of it are being deliberated upon and they are unraverling by the day. The scheme of the policy is to bring about large scale transformation in the school and higher education sector. The latest of the announcements ma... Read More

Revisiting Bloom’s Taxonomy— An overview

We have talked about learning outcomes and educational goals and how to achieve them in several of our previous articles. In this article, I am going to discuss the theoretical device widely applied to direct pedagogy... Read More

Data Science will be introduced in schools in the wake of the NEP 2020

In the wake of the National Education Policy 2020, areas such as AI, coding, robotics, Data Science will be introduced. CBSE has already announced the introduction of these technical areas. We have already discussed some of these in our earlier blogs, and in this article we will discuss Data Science... Read More

Selecting a Projector for Classroom Use?

More than 150 companies manufacture over 6000 different models of projectors worldwide till date, of which more than 60 companies stopped manufacturing and more than 4500 models have attained End of Life... Read More

Need For Global Attitude In Teachers And Their Teaching Approaches

The contemporary world witnesses the presence of a global attitude where everyone and everything is interconnected. It is this interdependence that paves the way for the diffusion of cultures and values that take society to greater heights.... Read More

CBSE plans syllabus rationalization for class 9-12 after taking stock of the disruption caused by COVID-19 lockdown

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has hinted that the rationalization of the syllabus for classes 9-12 is on the cards. The rationalization is to compensate for the school time that will be lost as COVID-19 runs its course. Currently, the situation is being assessed and the time loss i... Read More

Teacher Training for NEP objectives--CBSE and AICTE’s joint Innovation Ambassador Programme

The CBSE has entered into a collaboration with the All India Council for Technical Education by signing an MoU. The collaboration is for teacher training and skill enhancement. Notably, the AICTE is currently organizing several programs for skill enhancement of the faculty and the students of the in... Read More

UNESCO Report: Use of AI in Education

According to a new report by United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Artificial Intelligence (AI) can provide solutions to the challenges in the Indian education sector. Apart from suggesting use of technology in evaluation and school management systems, the repor... Read More

Kerala Govt Breaks Ground by Embedding Preamble to Constitution in School Textbooks

In a historic move, the CPI(M)-led Left Government in Kerala has decided to include the preamble to the Constitution in revised school textbooks for classes 1 to 10. General Education Minister V Sivankutty, also the chairman of the State Curriculum Committee, announced the groundbreaking decision, s... Read More

Points To consider Before Leasing An Operational School

The right to use of a property is as important as its ownership .... Read More

Interdisciplinary Approach and the Contemporary Education

While we emphasize the importance and primacy of learning outcomes in the entire exercise of the establishment of schools, we try to keep school promoters, students and parents abreast of different approaches... Read More

Trends that will shape the Primary Education landscape of India

Census of India reflects that the rural literacy rate is just 69 percent, when compared with the world average of 86 percent it is abject. The elements that are going to be most instrumental in shaping the future of primary education in India are offsprings of technological advancement besides risin... Read More

How Multiple Intelligences based Curriculums advance classroom learning?

The theory of multiple intelligences as expounded by Dr. Gardner in his pioneering work Frames of Mind has been discussed in our earlier article. If we consider it as established that there are multiple intelligences at play during cognitive exercises like learning... Read More