Search Results For : New-School

Procedure to Apply for National Bravery Awards

Bravery awards in India is an act of recognition to those children who gear up the strength by displaying immense valour and escape people who are stuck in dangerous situations by risking their own lives. These children distinguish themselves by performing brave deeds which should be an act of selfl... Read More

The Blended Learning Vouge

Learning is a subjective art where everyone has a different approach of imbibing things. There are students who just listen to lectures in the class and learn enough so much so that they open their books one day before the exam and score good grades. On the other hand, there are some children who sp... Read More

Need Help in Choosing Undergraduate Course / Streams Most Suited for You?

School education is evolving in tandem with the diversifying higher education and spawning industries and broadening career options, some conventional and some not very much so. There have been steady and studied developments in the curriculums and pedagogy but then there are also abrupt modificatio... Read More

Augmented Reality— the leap in education technology

We have written about education technology and its application in the classroom setting and the integral role it has in turning a conventional classroom into a smart classroom. If one were to inquire about the foremost rationale of the extensive application of the education technology, the apt answe... Read More

What is STEM EDUCATION in Indian School Scenario?

The cultural shift modern technology has brought about is evident from the developments taking place in every field of human thought and endeavor. To sustain the culture that is reliant on technology, a tilt of education towards technology is necessary so much so that at times, it will seem to borde... Read More

EYFS- a Pre-grooming Session for Three to Five-year-old Children

The EYFS makes sure to provide children with healthy and safe learning environment. It advocates school readiness and gives children wider knowledge about developing skills for progress in the future.... Read More

Lockdown and digital education resources

An unprecedented situation has fallen upon us which has majorly altered our lives and work, and it has created a measure of disruption. During this time of contingency, we are completely dependent upon the digital devices to not get our work piled up and meet deadlines effectively. The educati... Read More

Schools must aim at developing 21st Century Skills

Century, the era of advanced digitalization where almost every single business, project, education has come on internet. This is the time where internet proved as the game changer and gave a boost to the technology.... Read More

Why is Teacher Training a Must?

Teaches are a crucial and integral part of the education system. A great teacher is crucial to a student’s development and growth. So, how does one become a great teacher? As teachers, we are always... Read More

7 Steps to conduct Student Friendly and High-learning Outcome Online Classes

Education has reached a stage where the physical distance is no longer a barrier to teach or learn. With the pandemic minimizing the physical activities of people, many changes have happened over the past few months. All the major educational institutions have changed their methods and strategies to... Read More

Emphasise on Emotional Intelligence in School

We’re living in a time where technology is actively influencing human mind. Since decades, the intellectual quotient (IQ) is arguably increasing consistently but from one generation to the next.... Read More

Desired School Features In the Light of National education Policy

What features could make a school extraordinary and compatible with the National Education Policy ,and what are the elements that helps an institution ensure that the futures of the children studying under its wings is secure?... Read More

Interactive Flat panels, the Most Recent Replacements for Traditional Blackboards

The technology has also diverted the classroom scenario from blackboards to smartboards which is a smart way to enhance student -teacher relationship. In the changing times, the smart or interactive classrooms are becoming the standard for quality education. The best thing is these boards come up wi... Read More

Hows and Whys of the National Educational Policy 2020

Education in India is aimed at improving the socio-economic framework which delineates a community with diverse demands. The government has chiefly concentrated its efforts on improving the literacy rate of India since independence by introducing free and compulsory education from six to fourteen ye... Read More

Affordable Computing Devices for Schools

Affordable computing technology options are being applied across organizations including schools. The technology that has gained prominence in the search for affordability is Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). VDI is a virtual computer technology, terms like ‘Thin client’ and ‘Zero clients’ are s... Read More

Engaging E-learning Applications for a Good Change

Technology when utilised efficiently and effectively brings a bagful of opportunities coming of age in any field. In order to keep up with the trends in educational sector we need to keep ourselves open to all the possible outcomes when we step into new avenues. This brings me to the topic which is ... Read More

Things To Do For a Cordial Class Environment

The 1950s marks the period when two psychologists Jacob Kounin and Paul Gump had a eureka moment after observing closely about the psychological changes that happen among children due to the strict nature of teachers. They are of the opinion that if a child disobeys and if the teacher adopts techniq... Read More

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