Search Results For : In-School

Challenges Faced By Schools In Educating Children : A Critical Analysis

Identifying the most pressing challenges in the school sector in educating children, is a simple first step toward fixing them. Here, through this write up we have tried to highlight a few such challenges and their solutions.... Read More

Unified Platform For Buyers And Sellers Of School Properties

Every moment of our life is lived for the future. And possession of real estate becomes the best way to secure our future in today's society. It is important to sell, buy and own properties to lead a financially safe and secure life.... Read More

All About Renting Out / Leasing Out A School Property

It is evident that real estate is one of the major sources of income and investment in India. But, is the real estate sector confined only to buying and selling properties? Definitely not. There are some other aspects to it too and two of them are renting out and leasing out.... Read More

Assam registers nearly 6% decline in school enrollment

Assam Education Minister, Ranoj pegu recently shared that the state registered a decline of 5.95 per cent in school enrolment, with a total of 70,95,759 students registering in the ongoing year as against 75,44,956 for the academic year 2022-23.... Read More

The Government Plans to Expand the International Board of CBSE

The Central Board of Secondary Education or CBSE has always been inclined to international standards and the same has given rise to CBSE-international or CBSE-i.... Read More

50th RBVP Kicked Off in Pune

The Rashtriya Bal Vaigyanik Pradarshani (RBVP), a prestigious national event fostering scientific interest in children, unfolded at the Shree Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex in Mahalunge, Balewadi, Pune, Maharashtra, from December 26 to 31, 2023. Organized annually by the NCERT in collaboration with... Read More

Should I obtain a Detailed Project Report (DPR) before I start a school?

DPR is a comprehensive school development plan prepared in consultation with the school promoters, an important start up guide for those who wish to start a new school. Further it acts as an implementation guide for promoters and can be used obtain loans for the proposed school project. DPR addresses all major issues concerning the project, namely –

  • Vision & philosophy
  • Organization structure
  • Academic & beyond academic programs
  • Staffing & Skill development
  • Master plan & interiors
  • Branding & positioning
  • Statutory & legal issues
  • Financial feasibility covering 15 years cash flows.
  • Market pricing
  • Admissions
  • Documentation for staff and students
  • Technology infrastructure
  • Project schedule
... Read More

NEP 2020 Implementation—Ministry Of Education Invites Suggestions from Teachers and Principals

Suggestions on the Implementation of NEP 2020 are sought on the implementation of the New Education Policy, inputs have been invited from teachers and principals of the school. The Ministry of Education has asked the school authorities to suggest how the NEP could be implemented effectively.... Read More

New skill modules covering coding and data science introduced by CBSE, supported by Microsoft

In collaboration with Microsoft, CBSE has introduced new skill modules, namely data science, and coding.... Read More

Sports and Health Period Made Mandatory by CBSE Board From 2018-19

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), in a bid to mainstream health and physical education in schools, has intervened elevating sports from a neglected extra-curricular activity level to a curricular standard.  Health and Physical Education (HPE), as the new subject is named is to be made a d... Read More

Hiring School Principal- 5 Steps To Get It Right

Hiring requires patience. Earlier it used to be about finding the right person for a job vacancy. But nowadays the concept of recruitment has become broader, consisting of finding the right person who'll do the job, enjoy the job and want to stay with the growth of the organisation.... Read More

Bridge Course for Classes 2 to 10 launched by Maharashtra

A bridge course for students of classes 2 to 10 has been launched by the Maharashtra School Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad. The course is 45 days long and covers Marathi, Mathematics, English, Science, Hindi, and Social Science.... Read More

Comparing IB and IGCSE

Hello Sir, Currently my daughter is in the second standard doing her studies in CBSE. Is it okay to move to IGCSE/IB curriculum at this age if she's capable of adapting? Once she completes her 10th std, e.g. in IGCSE, if it's not possible to find any better IB schools nearly, will it be problem f... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

Good Noon. Beautifully explained. Want to have a direct Phone Conversation to have more clarity on the Subject that how to decide on Trust or Society. In the Case of Trust, Settlor throws something into the Trust and it comes into existence, where as in Society it comes into existences by a group of... Read More

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