Search Results For : Vinod--

MOOC, An Online Distance Education Platform

MOOC is a platform where teachers and students collaborate which contains a pool of resources that are readily available. They have the option of listening lectures and downloading notes and the most important thing is interaction and communication with your peers. Networking seems to be of great re... Read More

Project Based Learning, Connecting Real Life with Theory

Education is a way to upgrade ourselves about various information that is available and develop skills and techniques to revolutionize the working of a society or a community. We provide education to children not only to get into good grade category but become a useful member who bring about a minus... Read More

The Act Of Role Shifting: Teachers Becoming Learners And Learners Becoming Teachers In Today’s Educational Realm

In the participatory approach to the learning process, the role shifting of teachers becoming learners and the learners transforming into teachers are obvious. In the present day classrooms, teachers and learners are both learners and teachers.... Read More

National Education Policy: Key-Systems that will Drive Reforms

The national education policy has been put into effect and now the practicalities of it are being deliberated upon and they are unraverling by the day. The scheme of the policy is to bring about large scale transformation in the school and higher education sector. The latest of the announcements ma... Read More

Revisiting Bloom’s Taxonomy— An overview

We have talked about learning outcomes and educational goals and how to achieve them in several of our previous articles. In this article, I am going to discuss the theoretical device widely applied to direct pedagogy... Read More

Data Science will be introduced in schools in the wake of the NEP 2020

In the wake of the National Education Policy 2020, areas such as AI, coding, robotics, Data Science will be introduced. CBSE has already announced the introduction of these technical areas. We have already discussed some of these in our earlier blogs, and in this article we will discuss Data Science... Read More

Selecting a Projector for Classroom Use?

More than 150 companies manufacture over 6000 different models of projectors worldwide till date, of which more than 60 companies stopped manufacturing and more than 4500 models have attained End of Life... Read More

Need For Global Attitude In Teachers And Their Teaching Approaches

The contemporary world witnesses the presence of a global attitude where everyone and everything is interconnected. It is this interdependence that paves the way for the diffusion of cultures and values that take society to greater heights.... Read More

A Guide for Parents to Help Children with Remote Learning

The closure of schools worldwide due to coronavirus has drawn scholars and pupils to get involved in the virtual education. Times are difficult and we need to adjust with the new mechanism. As the students are reckless, parents need to increase their level of patience while students are at home. The... Read More

Comprehending Learning Disability - how India deals with it?

Embracing differences is what idealists believe should be the motto of life. We all are uniquely wired with a different set of strengths and flaws which make us stand apart and define our existence. However, children are often seen to be reluctant to adapt to individual changes majorly due to societ... Read More

Macro-trends that are poised to influence education fundamentally

In the post-pandemic educational scenario, the experts are evaluating the modalities that could solve the problems like low learning outcomes, academic inequity, and lack of optimal assessment techniques, and sub-optimal levels of 21st-century skills. While research in these areas is warranted, it i... Read More

How To Give Life To School Architecture And Design Models

Architecture and design are two of the most complex ideas in school construction. The major challenge of school architectural design lies in the need to create a positive and pleasant atmosphere that is conducive to teaching and learning.... Read More

Structuring Preschool Curriculum - Waldorf and Pikler Preschool Education

There has been considerable research and studies done on the pedagogical methods and early education but few have been as successful and applied as the Waldorf and Pikler approaches when it comes to preschools. The Waldorf Education that is based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner has b... Read More

Khan Academy, Digitizing education and broadening horizons of schooling

The founder Salman khan also known as Sal Khan has produced around 6,500 video tutorials which basically covers all subjects mainly focussing on maths and science. A well- educated man who has three degrees from MIT and MBA from Harvard. The Khan Lab School is also founded by him which is a brick-an... Read More

Virtual Reality and its Pedagogical Applications

Virtual Reality has found renewed interest and new avenues of applications in education in recent years. The technology that drives Virtual Reality and its experience has also evolved and become more sophisticated. The interfaces have become more user-friendly, portable, and even less expensive. All... Read More

Learning outcome-centered MHRD’s Road Map for the new academic session 2020-21 released for NCERT

NCERT has been given a learning outcome oriented road map for the next academic year by the MHRD. The curriculum design, as per the directions of the ministry, has to be completed by the NCERT by October 2020 for classes 1 to 5 while the training of teachers for classes 6 to 12 has to be completed... Read More

Omission of Early Childhood education in NEP draft draws criticism

The draft National Education Policy begins by stating the facts regarding cognitive development that it starts much before the child sets foot inside a school. It reads “the learning process for a child commences immediately at birth.” The statement is true as it is known that the groundwork for sch... Read More

Delhi schools’ happiness classes are busters of stress

Delhi schools have apparently find the way to dispel stress in children with the aid of what are aptly called Happiness Class. The anatomy of a typical happiness class contain simple playful exercises including rubbing of hands and putting them on the eyes to relax, motivational talks and meditation... Read More