Search Results For : Cost

6 Things to Keep in Mind Before Choosing Classroom Projectors

Today classroom projectors are the key components of the top digital educational spaces. A portal to engage media where every student can be focused and can actively participate.... Read More

Whither the role of academicians in starting a school?

India is witnessing an increasing trend in the number of new schools. Starting a new school in India and providing quality education involves meticulous planning and unconditional commitment of the promoter.... Read More

All About Renting Out / Leasing Out A School Property

It is evident that real estate is one of the major sources of income and investment in India. But, is the real estate sector confined only to buying and selling properties? Definitely not. There are some other aspects to it too and two of them are renting out and leasing out.... Read More

Data Science will be introduced in schools in the wake of the NEP 2020

In the wake of the National Education Policy 2020, areas such as AI, coding, robotics, Data Science will be introduced. CBSE has already announced the introduction of these technical areas. We have already discussed some of these in our earlier blogs, and in this article we will discuss Data Science... Read More

What to look for while buying an Operational School?

The school entrepreneurship in India is more dynamic than it seems. The policy shifts in the education domain sometimes exposes eduprenurs to unforeseen situations , in certain cases the school promoters decide to hand over the school entirely to other management and relinquish ownership. Such schoo... Read More

Redefining the Structure of Education due to COVID-19

A minuscule virus that has paused the lives of men worldwide has definitely altered the traditional way of education. The coronavirus has brought a shift in the millions of students getting educated from face-to-face lectures to online education. It seems that the new solutions for education coul... Read More

Challenges of Integrating Education Technology in Rural Areas

The technology is yet to set its footprints in many schools of interior parts of the country for students to attain digital literacy. This time seems to be crucial for everyone to create a pro-digital mindset as the time demands to gain virtual wisdom especially for students staying in the interior ... Read More

Types Of School Principals

"To be irreplaceable, one must always be different". Quoting this famous saying, we can say that there is strength in every diversity and it is significant to share the idea of being different. The types or kinds of a particular category mark this difference.... Read More

Selecting a Projector for Classroom Use?

More than 150 companies manufacture over 6000 different models of projectors worldwide till date, of which more than 60 companies stopped manufacturing and more than 4500 models have attained End of Life... Read More

Education Based on Multiple Intelligences

Schools known as Multiple Intelligence (MI) Schools are the schools that have adopted the pedagogy and curricular methodologies influenced by the Theory of Multiple Intelligences propounded by Dr. Howard Gardner, a Harvard educational psychologist. The ground breaking theory postulates that intellig... Read More

Boost your real estate venture by starting a school

The real estate sector has a central role in planning and provisioning the necessary land, infrastructure for residential and commercial purposes. People face a host of challenges on their journey to start a school, the paucity of land being the biggest.... Read More

Importance of Health and Hygiene in School Design

Parents invariably expect their children to be in a learning environment which is safe, secure and hygienic. To provide healthy and hygienic learning spaces to the students, school leaders need to ens... Read More

Designing Modern School Libraries

A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life.School Library has an indispensable role in a school setting. It is where inde... Read More

Augmented Reality— the leap in education technology

We have written about education technology and its application in the classroom setting and the integral role it has in turning a conventional classroom into a smart classroom. If one were to inquire about the foremost rationale of the extensive application of the education technology, the apt answe... Read More

Robotic Education in Schools

We are moving towards an era when man- made machines are overpowering the lives of men.Several movies on robots were made depicting scenarios where equipment made by a man becomes a reason for his downfall. It is ironic that men get immersed in technology and create things to put it into his service... Read More

Edcamps: New Age Professional Development for Teachers in India

Edcamps, an educator driven initiative are informal, participatory, one day event organized by educators or facilitators for themselves to discuss about their needs and demands.... Read More

Mindspark—Maths and English Education Vitalized

Often, students are get accustomed to dislike English and Maths due to their confusing grammar lessons and tricky problems respectively. The traditional method of learning has made it complicated for most students to develop an interest in these subjects. However, in the contemporary times, it looks... Read More

Evaluating the progress made in the decade in the arena of teacher-development

The said teacher training program was initiated for the training of the teachers who are in-service. The program was initiated in October 2017 by MHRD with the objective to impart training and award Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.).... Read More

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