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All About School Renovation

The idea of renovating the schools arises when the learning infrastructure fails in adding the value in a student’s life and then proves an assemblage of old-fashioned apparatuses that simply fail t... Read More

Education Technology enhances learning outcomes

We have written at some length about the transformation of conventional classrooms into smart learning spaces in our previous article. In the present article we are specifically enlisting the digital devices that are deployed in the classrooms—more aptly called smart classrooms—and giving a descript... Read More

Technological Literacy improves K-12 School Education

The technological literacy is leading the economic market in a way unimagined. Understanding the requirement of practical education, there is a huge need for promoting technical education amongst the younger generation getting admitted in the schools.... Read More

Graphic and Comic Strips to Make Learning Engaging

Learning can be even more fun-filled if children are oriented to acquire knowledge from illustrations, visuals, paintings etc. that conveys a general idea or a moral lesson rather than just entertainment.Students should also get an exposure to real-life teachings apart from the subject based learnin... Read More

Interactive Flat panels, the Most Recent Replacements for Traditional Blackboards

The technology has also diverted the classroom scenario from blackboards to smartboards which is a smart way to enhance student -teacher relationship. In the changing times, the smart or interactive classrooms are becoming the standard for quality education. The best thing is these boards come up wi... Read More

EYFS- a Pre-grooming Session for Three to Five-year-old Children

The EYFS makes sure to provide children with healthy and safe learning environment. It advocates school readiness and gives children wider knowledge about developing skills for progress in the future.... Read More

A look at important developments in school education in the decade

As the decade nears its end, we try and look back to find out how these past years have contributed to the evolution of education in the country.... Read More

The Three Language Policy—Antecedents and contemporary perspectives

The states in India were reorganized on linguistic basis. Education, it was realized has to have an element of uniformity for the idea of the Union of States to work, hence the national education boards. The states originally had, and continue to have a say in deciding the education policy.... Read More

Seeing Lockdown in a new light—Self-study and Skill Building Resources

In the wake of COVID-19 lockdown, the schools across the country are closed and the examinations have been cancelled. State boards and the CBSE has announced that it will promote the students from class 1 to 8 without the examinations, academic calendars are being redesigned. The entire scenario see... Read More

Different Ways to Implement Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Classroom

Atechnique when followed stepwise, would increase the chances of learning process. The Bloom’s Taxonomy gives immense opportunities to adapt to the hierarchical methods of learning and is a benchmark for creating student learning outcomes.... Read More

Lockdown and digital education resources

An unprecedented situation has fallen upon us which has majorly altered our lives and work, and it has created a measure of disruption. During this time of contingency, we are completely dependent upon the digital devices to not get our work piled up and meet deadlines effectively. The educati... Read More

How COVID-19 can change the traditional classroom system?

A big wave of educational shift has hit most of the countries with the arrival of COVID -19 turning all classrooms into digital rooms. Since the lockdown, all students have turned into a virtual world to seek learning without losing the flow of studies. The preferred educational trend during this ph... Read More

NEP 2020: A look at the Changes in the Offing

The progressive education scene is abuzz with 21st century skills including critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration and the relevance of combining theory with the application is becoming increasingly clear. The demand of the 21st-century industry calls for a dynamic education that produces ... Read More

Macro-trends that are poised to influence education fundamentally

In the post-pandemic educational scenario, the experts are evaluating the modalities that could solve the problems like low learning outcomes, academic inequity, and lack of optimal assessment techniques, and sub-optimal levels of 21st-century skills. While research in these areas is warranted, it i... Read More

NEP 2020: Systems to Reform School Education

The NEP has a precursor in the form of the comprehensive National Curricular Framework, as far as school education is concerned. The timeline for the conceptualization, creation and implementation was originally set as 2020-21.... Read More

Hiring School Principal- 5 Steps To Get It Right

Hiring requires patience. Earlier it used to be about finding the right person for a job vacancy. But nowadays the concept of recruitment has become broader, consisting of finding the right person who'll do the job, enjoy the job and want to stay with the growth of the organisation.... Read More

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