Different Ways to Implement Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Classroom

Atechnique when followed stepwise, would increase the chances of learning process. The Bloom’s Taxonomy gives immense opportunities to adapt to the hierarchical methods of learning and is a benchmark for creating student learning outcomes.

It starts with Creating followed by Evaluating, Analyzing, Applying, Understanding and Remembering. To ‘Create’ is to produce new ideas, ‘Evaluate’ to support an argument, ‘Analyze’ is to draw connections among the ideas, ‘Apply’ is to implement the formed information in various situations accordingly, ‘Understand’ is to discuss the concepts, ‘Remember’ is to recall the facts or concepts studied.

Let’s look at how we can execute this in classroom scenario

  • map a curriculum which apparently gives students an idea on how to proceed with the syllabus
  • collect data or information for the topic for study
  • ask students to design an assignment based on their study
  • make corrections of their assignment
  • instead of dictating lectures in the class by teachers, promote personalized learning.
  • guide students towards self -directed learning which
  • promote inquiry-based learning
  • Self-evaluate your study
  • Work towards creating games based on your study to make it more fun
  • Teach students about meta cognition
  • Revise the topic again and again to learn thoroughly
  • If students are into reading and writing, create literature circles.
  • Introduce journal reading at budding age
  • Monitor student’s progress over a period of time
  • Of a module, make a list of topics and ask students to choose based on their interest.
  • The content-based learning would help them to learn what is needed.
  • Introduce research-based learning and guide them in research projects
  • Conduct Q&A sessions in the classroom
  • Gradually increase the complexity of the assessment
  • Create question banks for students to ask with each other
  • Make a mini lesson about the topic
  • Conduct student write- around which means the students should pass around the paper by writing their views on a given subject
  • Teachers should change their teaching methods
  • Introspect your strength and understanding of the subject
  • Summarize a passage
  • Classroom discussion at the end of every lecture
  • Students should evaluate the winner. This would develop healthy competition among them
  • Combine studies
  • Use digital technology by saving the notes in google drive
  • Blended learning by combining online learning and classroom instruction.
  • Make a digital scavenger hunt by using bloom’s digital cards.
  • If the questions seem irrelevant, refine and improve the questions
  • Reader’s response by making students read and respond based on their understanding
  • Prepare a chart by tabulating what students should Know, Want to know and Learn (KWL) chart
  • A digital citizenship campaign
  • Develop a habit to self -monitor
  • Brainstorming ideas, concepts and topics
  • Execute a podcast around a topic
  • Frame how an argument began in speaking or written form.
  • Hold student conferences
  • Give prominence to student-based learning

The bloom’s taxonomy is a way through which we can shift from the conventional method of learning and get engaged in the advanced learning method. The main purpose of learning is to understand which can only be achieved through these methods. Otherwise the students would remain passive which would not let them develop their cognitive skills.

Vinod Kakumanu

Vinod Kakumanu

Founder & Consultant - School Serv

Vinod Kakumanu heads a team of school services professionals and is an independent commentator on Indian school education scenario. Vinod has assisted school promoters establish 35+ schools besides providing ancillary services to over 1000 schools across India. He envisions a future where quality education is made available to every child of the country. The focus he places on the quality of the deliverables and customer satisfaction has made him renowned in the field of K-12 school education.

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