Search Results For : In-School

How to Start School and get IGCSE affiliation?

I have been running IB PYP program for 3 years. I am concerned that I cannot offer IB MYP because it does not leave the students an option to shift to any other board for +2. I think the Cambridge International or IGCSE students are better placed to excel in IBDP than my students. Does my concern ho... Read More

Education Scenario and less-talked about national and international interventions

The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Education for All) programme and Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act have been instrumental in the universalization of education to a substantial degree, yet, the educational goals that we should aspire for expect us to go beyond the achievement of... Read More

COVID-19 likely to have a bearing on the education budget thereby on NEP

The NEP promulgation marks a paradigm shift in education, a prelude of sorts for these shifts has been witnessed in the changes that the schooling system has witnessed in the process of coping with the pandemic imposed constraints. The commentators believe that the upcoming budget will bear heavily ... Read More

Govt. of Karnataka collaborates with Samsung to Launch Digital Library for Schools

The announcement of the inauguration of the digital library was made collectively by the Samsung R&D Institute Bangalore (SRI-B) and Government of Karnataka.... Read More

CBSE Practical’s will not be held in the Home-centers from year 2020

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is considering stopping practical examinations at the home –centers. The practical exams will be conducted at the external centers like theory exams instead. The orders in this regard would take effect from the 2020 board exams.... Read More

CBSE expresses reservations on the draft NEP’s recommendation for 24 subject multiple board exam

CBSE has voiced its concern over the recommendations made in the draft national education policy rooting for multiple board exams and inclusion of 24 subjects for the board exams. The NEP which is to come into effect since 2020 for next 20 years have made several provisions that have raised question... Read More

What is the typical operational break-even period for a school project?

Depends on the pace at which you are able to establish brand awareness and enroll students. For a moderately financed venture, the operational break even should be within 2 – 5 years from the launch date.

Sometimes operational break-even may not happen as predicted, you still need to support operations and maintain the brand position. It is suggested that you plan the necessary cash flows well in advance.

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What is the suggested student teacher ratio, size of rooms, labs and other facilities?

You should meet the pre-requisite criteria indicated by the state board and other boards (CBSE, ICSE, IB, etc) you are planning to seek affiliation from.

We recommend planning these based on the academics and beyond academic programs, your school would offer, nature of learning environment you wish you provide to students.

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2 Million Jharkhand Students of classes 1 to 7 may get promoted without examination this Academic Year

The state of Jharkhand will see around 3.2 million students promoted to their respective next classes this year without any examinations. The decision to promote students from class 1 to 7 sans examination is being mulled over, it is consequent to the pandemic-induced lockdown.... Read More

Desired School Features In the Light of National education Policy

What features could make a school extraordinary and compatible with the National Education Policy ,and what are the elements that helps an institution ensure that the futures of the children studying under its wings is secure?... Read More

Five Secrets to Land Your Dream Teaching Job

Many a time someone else gets the job you have been looking for. There are a set of people who get their dream jobs easily but not because they are more talented than you, rather they stand out due to their innovative approach. Nowadays, landing a teachers' job is not as easy as it was in the past, ... Read More

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