Search Results For : Plan-Of-School

Handbooks for teachers and students released by CBSE

The board has directed the schools to disseminate the information regarding the issuance of the handbooks to all teachers and students. The school management has also been directed, through the notification, to download the handbooks and hold discussions on them.... Read More

Launch of Key Initiatives of NEP 2020

Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan and Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment Virendra Kumar jointly launched some major initiatives of the New Education Policy, and a booklet on One-year NEP 2020 Achievements.... Read More

NCERTForms a Committee to Develop School Syllabi and Textbooks

The National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has set up a high-powered committee- The National Syllabus and Teaching Learning Material Committee (NSTC) to develop school syllabi, textbooksand study materials for classes 3 to 12. M.C Pant, Chancellor of National Institute of Edu... Read More

A case for Permitting Private School Teachers to Take Up One-on - One Tuitions in the Times of COVID -19

COVID-19 caught one and all unawares. All plan sheets were virtually formatted, and for a while, several industries went comatose. The education sector found itself in the eye of the storm and governments did not lose time in issuing rulings regarding fee-exemption to be effected by the private scho... Read More

Hiring and Retention of a Great Principal

Where you have great principals, good teachers come, stay and they work hard. This in turn helps in the creation of great students. There are no good schools without good principals. It just can't exist. So it is important to hire and retain a great principal for a good school to emerge and exist.... Read More

How Teachers can motivate the Unmotivated Students

While we have dealt with subjects like how the schools deal with ambition, the importance of architecture on learning outcomes and deleterious effects of corporal punishment on children... Read More

COVID-19 likely to have a bearing on the education budget thereby on NEP

The NEP promulgation marks a paradigm shift in education, a prelude of sorts for these shifts has been witnessed in the changes that the schooling system has witnessed in the process of coping with the pandemic imposed constraints. The commentators believe that the upcoming budget will bear heavily ... Read More

CBSE Practical’s will not be held in the Home-centers from year 2020

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is considering stopping practical examinations at the home –centers. The practical exams will be conducted at the external centers like theory exams instead. The orders in this regard would take effect from the 2020 board exams.... Read More

Qualification For A School Principal

Teaching is more than imparting knowledge. It's about inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts. It's about acquiring understanding.... Read More

Why do we need Counselors in Schools

India, the world’s 2nd most populous nation of 1 billion+ and has one of the highest suicide rates under the age group of 15 to 29. In our country, it’s very common to see the school students living under the state of stress or anxiety and peer pressure and by the folks living in surrounding who ... Read More

Closing the Engineering College? Why not convert into an International school?

The en-masse closure of engineering colleges in every state of India is indicative of many things including plummeting interest of candidates, diversification of career choices after K-12 schooling... Read More

Open an International School in India

International education programs are gaining ground in Indian education scenario, inevitably the number of promoters opting to start an International School in India is on the rise. Besides distinct planning, the following four aspects must be prioritized while deliberating to open an international ... Read More

Don't Just Open a School, Start a School that is 'Smart'

Typical classrooms inspire a scene with rooms equipped with blackboards, pencils strewn around and stockpiled notebooks. With the advent of education technology, the picture is changing. Now, it is not a “far-fetched” or “futuristic” to picture a school where monitors, computers, laptops, tablets, a... Read More

2 Million Jharkhand Students of classes 1 to 7 may get promoted without examination this Academic Year

The state of Jharkhand will see around 3.2 million students promoted to their respective next classes this year without any examinations. The decision to promote students from class 1 to 7 sans examination is being mulled over, it is consequent to the pandemic-induced lockdown.... Read More

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