Search Results For : Funds

Issues and Ideals in Partnership in New School Project

There remains a possibility of disagreements and even conflict of interest between partners in a business venture, likewise in a school project where several promoters come together, partners may find themselves at cross-purposes sometimes. In this article we are trying to delve into the nature and ... Read More

What to look for while buying an Operational School?

The school entrepreneurship in India is more dynamic than it seems. The policy shifts in the education domain sometimes exposes eduprenurs to unforeseen situations , in certain cases the school promoters decide to hand over the school entirely to other management and relinquish ownership. Such schoo... Read More

Redefining the Structure of Education due to COVID-19

A minuscule virus that has paused the lives of men worldwide has definitely altered the traditional way of education. The coronavirus has brought a shift in the millions of students getting educated from face-to-face lectures to online education. It seems that the new solutions for education coul... Read More

Indian Army takes initiative in the interest of education of the children of the state of J&K

Amidst the ever present tension and conflict and undercurrents of mutual suspicion and cynicism, the Indian Army has yet again made its bid to reach out to the community by funding the education of the underprivileged children of the remote areas of the beleaguered valley. Army Commander, Northern C... Read More

How is India beating gender inequality through girls’ education

With gender equality being considered as a sine qua non for attainment of the development goals, the urgency attached to the question of girls’ education in India and across the world is gaining importance. Gender roles have substantially shifted but it can hardly be contested that opportunities for... Read More

National Education Policy: Key-Systems that will Drive Reforms

The national education policy has been put into effect and now the practicalities of it are being deliberated upon and they are unraverling by the day. The scheme of the policy is to bring about large scale transformation in the school and higher education sector. The latest of the announcements ma... Read More

Importance of Planning While Starting a New School

Education is one of the basic requirements for the growth and prosperity of any society. With the growth in population, the need for new schools is ever-growing and provides immense opportunities for people interested to undertake the responsibility of becoming school owners or school promotors. To ... Read More

India’s Education Market Prospects for Foreign Investors

India is a nation of nations, its population is as diverse as it is humungous. Just by the virtue of being hugely populated, it is an enormous market. The nation’s demographics presents itself as a ripe opportunity for many sectors with as much as 50 percent of the population below 25. It is esp... Read More

Glimpses of NEP 2020 and Notable International Education Systems

The new education policy has deservedly been at the center of discussion in educational circles. The NEP 2020 is expected to bring about systemic changes in the way education is structured and it is also going to alter the methodologies and broaden the outcomes of school certificates, degrees, and d... Read More

Boost your real estate venture by starting a school

The real estate sector has a central role in planning and provisioning the necessary land, infrastructure for residential and commercial purposes. People face a host of challenges on their journey to start a school, the paucity of land being the biggest.... Read More

Policies to Enhance Quality in Government Sector

In a country, education is the foremost and dominant sector which needs proper emphasis for the growth of the nation. The government both central and state plays a significant role in looking after the quality of education which is being provided in all the educational institutions.... Read More

Edcamps: New Age Professional Development for Teachers in India

Edcamps, an educator driven initiative are informal, participatory, one day event organized by educators or facilitators for themselves to discuss about their needs and demands.... Read More

Bravery at its Best, Inspiring Stories of Young Children

Bravery can be defined as a state of mind, a daring act of showing selfless service to those who gets trapped in perilous situations. In 2019, the government decided to distance itself from the ICCW after they had been put under the scanner by the Delhi high court over financial integrity. Every ... Read More

Macro-trends that are poised to influence education fundamentally

In the post-pandemic educational scenario, the experts are evaluating the modalities that could solve the problems like low learning outcomes, academic inequity, and lack of optimal assessment techniques, and sub-optimal levels of 21st-century skills. While research in these areas is warranted, it i... Read More

The post COVID School Education — what to expect and how to navigate the changes?

As far the crippling effects of the pandemic on an industrial sector goes, the private school sector of India composed of half a million private schools, offer a veritable case study.... Read More

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