Search Results For : Education

Understanding by Design, A Mission Towards Deriving Student Learning Outcome

Understanding by Design is an educational approach that has introduced Backwards Design which focuses mainly on designing curriculum keeping in mind the desired learning outcomes of students.... Read More

Use Of Mobile Application In Effective School Management

Mobile apps are now being widely used for almost everything. The application of mobile apps can be seen in the education sector via school management systems. Software for effective school management is now being incorporated in mobile phones which makes the process simpler.... Read More

Major Advancements In Effective School Management Systems

The sudden blow of the covid 19 pandemic paved the way for an online schooling system and the success of such a system is dependent on tech tools like school management software.... Read More

School Principal Hiring Guide

Every industry deals with new challenges every day. But can these challenges be the stop signs for us?. Success lies in the capacity of choosing the right guidelines to tackle those challenges.... Read More

A glimpse into International Baccalaureate® Primary Years Programme (IB PYP)

With the advent of IB  in India school promoters who wanted to try different curriculums have found a way. In our role as curriculum implementation consultants, we have found out that before deciding on IB sometimes the groundwork of understanding and appreciating the course had not been done, as a ... Read More

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic (VAK) Learning Style

Learning and the cognitive process that underlay it constitute an important area of study in the discipline of psychology. We tend not to give usually give thought to how content or resources are converted into knowledge. The obvious answer is that we research, observe, analyse and interpret and thr... Read More

How To Efficiently Manage A School ?

The term management is defined as the capacity to translate vision into reality, by means of planning, organising, leading and controlling. A school is an association of different types of people coming from varied backgrounds.... Read More

Need For Global Attitude In Teachers And Their Teaching Approaches

The contemporary world witnesses the presence of a global attitude where everyone and everything is interconnected. It is this interdependence that paves the way for the diffusion of cultures and values that take society to greater heights.... Read More

Selecting Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) for Schools

Interactive whiteboard is a 21st century substitute to the black board is also known as smart board. It is a mediating technology useful in turning the class increasingly interactive. It is a significant addition to the learning environment and a defining feature of educational technology for classr... Read More

Schools are Looking to Hire and Recruit Teachers Adept in Pedagogical Styles

Teachers are incomparable influences in our life’s. Their presence coincide with our most impressionable phase of the lives we lead. Remember how you learned most of the things, you simply just do... Read More

Eleven Techniques to Enhance Teaching Skills

It is said that a teacher is the second most important part of a person’s life after parents. Guru- shishya relation is a dominant one and highly significant in shaping a child’s mental, social and emotional behaviour for growth and development. It is important for a teacher to have good intent to i... Read More

Whole Brain Teaching—Pedagogy to command total attention in the class

The common thread that runs across the educational philosophies and pedagogical techniques is the inherent idea that efficacy of the pedagogical technique should be judged by the magnitude of students’ receptiveness towards the material transmitted through the given technique.... Read More

The School Principal As A Leader

A leader knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. But how actually a leader should be? A leader is the best when people around him/her barely know he/she exists. When the work is done and the aim is accomplished, it should feel like teamwork. And there lies the greatness of a leader.... Read More

How to Buy Classroom Furniture and Playschool Material?

Furniture in the classroom can enhance or diminish the learning environment. Classroom furniture must be arranged in such a way that the teacher is visible and audible to every child in the classroom. In playschools, the children are supposed to be mobile in the classroom and play outdoors for a com... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

Trusts, Societies and Section 8 companies are non-proprietary organizations, which means that they are set up to provide service to the community and not with a profit motive. In India, educational institutions are mandatorily established by a Trust or Society or a Section 8 company. This rule obvio... Read More

Documents Needed While Applying for CBSE Affiliation

All applications shall be submitted online only. Following documents are required to be uploaded while making an application for CBSE affiliation online -... Read More

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