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PISA, A Programme Exclusively to Measure Cognitive Thinking in 15 year olds

Education has not only gained elevated standards in contemporary times but also has nuanced dimensions. Evidently, students as well as teachers are occupied in the process to make a shift from the traditional mode of learning.... Read More

Solo Taxonomy, An Approach to Understand Different Levels of Students’ Understanding

However, in 1982 Biggs and Collis came up with Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes or SOLO Taxonomy which is an alternative to Bloom’s version. Bloom described about the level of cognitive skills like from remembering to analyzing and evaluating. The SOLO taxonomy implies how the learning model ... Read More

Understanding by Design, A Mission Towards Deriving Student Learning Outcome

Understanding by Design is an educational approach that has introduced Backwards Design which focuses mainly on designing curriculum keeping in mind the desired learning outcomes of students.... Read More

Atlantis - The World School - A testimonial to the tradition of educational excellence

The K-12 education made its presence in India with the assessment of need of a continuum of education in early to adolescent years. This type of academic model had become customary in other countries and currently India is keenly advancing towards adopting K-12 educational framework in schools.... Read More

Computer assisted instruction (CAI)—an introduction

Simply put, Computer assisted instruction (CAI), also known as Computer Based Instruction or Computer Managed Instruction, is the instructional method that uses a computer for transmission. CAI is used to enhance the quality of instruction and facilitate it. There are various CAI programs which inco... Read More

Elements of a Digital Classroom

The digital classrooms have been creating a noise in the education sector. What makes a digitally sound classroom? Is it the people or can a video conference with eight to nine people came together to study can be considered as digital classroom? Or is it the tools that can be counted? How digital c... Read More

Lockdown and school studies, ways to continue studies during lockdown, online educational resources during lockdown

Education is the only sector that has been dynamic and undergoing a transformation for the past many years. The educationists are involved in inventions and creations of pedagogical devices that match up to the standards of global education of the 21st century. The stakeholders including teachers, s... Read More

Redefining the Structure of Education due to COVID-19

A minuscule virus that has paused the lives of men worldwide has definitely altered the traditional way of education. The coronavirus has brought a shift in the millions of students getting educated from face-to-face lectures to online education. It seems that the new solutions for education coul... Read More

Re-opening of Schools-Learnings from the world

It is remarkable how the schools in India, K-12 educators and administrators have switched to remote learning practices amid Covid-19 induced lockdown. As the time goes by, the educators and administrators are redirecting their attention from providing high-quality online education to reopening the ... Read More

Covid-19 pandemic and Indian Education System

The pandemic has brought the digital divide in India into the popular consciousness. The schools remain closed for the fifth consecutive month. At the time like this only the schools that were digitally equipped and the parents who were able to secure connectivity with the World Wide Web were able t... Read More

How Audio Visual (AV) learning can change the future trends of education?

The classrooms of today are equipped with numerous Audio Visual (AV) aids but they were best used when teachers and students share the physical space at the time of teaching-learning.... Read More

7 Steps to conduct Student Friendly and High-learning Outcome Online Classes

Education has reached a stage where the physical distance is no longer a barrier to teach or learn. With the pandemic minimizing the physical activities of people, many changes have happened over the past few months. All the major educational institutions have changed their methods and strategies to... Read More

How to Enhance Student Participation in a Virtual Setup?

Classrooms incorporate students with distinct characters some are always ready to raise their hand to participate and some are hesitant to come forward and engage in classroom discussions. It’s a complicated process to bring students into conversations that require them to be vocal.... Read More

CBSE to regulate class 9, 11 admissions of its affiliated schools

As per the recent announcement made on the behalf of the CBSE, the board will now regulate the admissions for class IX and XI in all the schools affiliated to the board. The move is unprecedented as the board has never been directly involved in the admission process.... Read More

5 education trends to watch in 2020

The surveys have reflected that the current pace at which the students are acquiring 21st century skills will not suffice and amends have to be made in our approaches towards educating.... Read More

The Need to Revisit Teacher-Training

The pandemic has brought to light an open secret which is that education has to become compatible with virtual landscapes. The educators have to adapt themselves to the demands of the technology-driven pedagogies and be ready to unlearn, re-learn, and upskill constantly.... Read More

Virtual Reality and its Pedagogical Applications

Virtual Reality has found renewed interest and new avenues of applications in education in recent years. The technology that drives Virtual Reality and its experience has also evolved and become more sophisticated. The interfaces have become more user-friendly, portable, and even less expensive. All... Read More

How NEP 2020 supplements RTE 2009?

The demographic dividend is realizable only if the young population is adequately educated and made adept in 21st century skills. The average age of Indians is 25-30 years and that is a good sign only if education systems are robust.... Read More

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