Search Results For : School--

NCERT Led Review of NCF 2005 on the Cards

The guidelines issued with respect to the curriculum prior to the NCF 2005 include the 1975 guideline which directed the inclusion of General Science as a compulsory subject and recommended activity based integrated science up to class 10th, the 1988 guideline for structuring a learner-centered scie... Read More

In a first, NCTE launces Teacher Training Programme with +2 minimum Qualification

The aspiring teachers have new horizons opening for them with the news that now they would be able to train as teachers after completing class higher secondary schooling. The ravages of unemployment in the outback of conventional education spawns modest aspirations which include teaching as a career... Read More

Wards of the Armed Forces Personnel given more relaxations by the CBSE

CBSE reported that the relaxations have been extended in 2020 for the benefit of the children from the families of the defence and para-military forces who are defending the country against terrorism and insurgencies.... Read More

Maharashtra Assembly passes bill making Marathi a compulsory subject in the state

The bill was passed on February 27, "Marathi Bhasha Din" (Marathi language day), the birth anniversary of poet and Jnanpith award winner late V V Shirwadkar.... Read More

CBSE, NCERT, NTA to design new academic calendars under HRD ministry directions in the wake of Covid-19 lockdown

The Human Resource Development Ministry, in view of the Coronavirus lockdown has directed CBSE, NCERT, NTA and NIOS to come up with alternate calendars. The direction came in as the examinations and academic session schedules are getting changed in the wake of Covid-19 lockdown situation in the coun... Read More

NCERT takes up revision of Activities Calendar for classes 1-8 amid lockdown

To ensure that the children do not lose touch with academics in the period of the lockdown and that they may not feel disoriented with regard to the syllabus when they return back to schools, CBSE and NCERT has taken up rationalization of the syllabus and revision of the Activities Calendar respecti... Read More

Delhi Govt. 'Education Mentoring Programme' for Effective Initiation of Girls in STEM Education and Careers

The Delhi government has launched what is being called the Education Mentoring Programme under which the schoolgirls from classes 9 to 12 will be coached and mentored by the seniors. The seniors who will don the garb of mentors are the students from Indira Gandhi Delhi Technological University for W... Read More

Chhattisgarh to offer Education Aid to students

The Government of Chhattisgarh has announced that it will offer education aid to the children whose parents have passed away from the pandemic. The scheme that will bring relief to bereaved children is named Mahtari Dulara Yojana.... Read More

CBSE and CISCE Cancel 12th Boards

The Union Government, ending the uncertainty, cancelled the CBSE board exams.... Read More

NIPUN Bharat for Foundational Literacy Launched

The Education Ministry has launched National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy (NIPUN Bharat). The objective of the initiative is to make foundational literacy and numeracy a given for every child before he passes the 3rd grade (3-9 years). This has to be achieved... Read More

Selecting Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) for Schools

Interactive whiteboard is a 21st century substitute to the black board is also known as smart board. It is a mediating technology useful in turning the class increasingly interactive. It is a significant addition to the learning environment and a defining feature of educational technology for classr... Read More

Policies to Enhance Quality in Government Sector

In a country, education is the foremost and dominant sector which needs proper emphasis for the growth of the nation. The government both central and state plays a significant role in looking after the quality of education which is being provided in all the educational institutions.... Read More

Robotic Education in Schools

We are moving towards an era when man- made machines are overpowering the lives of men.Several movies on robots were made depicting scenarios where equipment made by a man becomes a reason for his downfall. It is ironic that men get immersed in technology and create things to put it into his service... Read More

What are Montessori Schools?

Montessori education method places regard towards the child’s individuality at its center and promotes the independence of the child. Montessori schools are numerous as “Montessori” is not a registered trademark and it is possible to set up a school and call it Montessori school even if it doesn’t h... Read More

Schools must aim at developing 21st Century Skills

Century, the era of advanced digitalization where almost every single business, project, education has come on internet. This is the time where internet proved as the game changer and gave a boost to the technology.... Read More

K-12 School Education Scenario in Rural India

Education in rural India has always been a great subject of discussion and we like bringing it into the light such that we eliminate the problems around us and make this society a better place for learners.... Read More

How is India beating gender inequality through girls’ education

With gender equality being considered as a sine qua non for attainment of the development goals, the urgency attached to the question of girls’ education in India and across the world is gaining importance. Gender roles have substantially shifted but it can hardly be contested that opportunities for... Read More

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