Search Results For : School--

Hiring School Principal- 5 Steps To Get It Right

Hiring requires patience. Earlier it used to be about finding the right person for a job vacancy. But nowadays the concept of recruitment has become broader, consisting of finding the right person who'll do the job, enjoy the job and want to stay with the growth of the organisation.... Read More

The Importance Of Data Security In School Management Systems And The Measures To Ensure Them

Data is an integral element in any management process and equally important is its security. School management systems involve a huge amount of data. And hence, the security and integrity of data are to be taken into consideration for the successful operation of a school.... Read More

Findings on the adoption of Online Education in Government Schools in India

How well the schools have transitioned to online education is an area of active research interest and there have been several useful studies that have attempted to measure the degree of success that the Indian schools have achieved in adopting the online mode of education. One in the league is the s... Read More

Glimpses of NEP 2020 and Notable International Education Systems

The new education policy has deservedly been at the center of discussion in educational circles. The NEP 2020 is expected to bring about systemic changes in the way education is structured and it is also going to alter the methodologies and broaden the outcomes of school certificates, degrees, and d... Read More

Influence of pandemic on the education of school students, and steps to overcome the same

Over a year and a half into a pandemic that has caused over 4 million fatalities globally, seemingly India is set to witness the rise of its third wave. Even so, schools are looking into reopening for yet another time, thereby underlining education as an essential requirement.... Read More

Education Based on Multiple Intelligences

Schools known as Multiple Intelligence (MI) Schools are the schools that have adopted the pedagogy and curricular methodologies influenced by the Theory of Multiple Intelligences propounded by Dr. Howard Gardner, a Harvard educational psychologist. The ground breaking theory postulates that intellig... Read More

Education Scenario and less-talked about national and international interventions

The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Education for All) programme and Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act have been instrumental in the universalization of education to a substantial degree, yet, the educational goals that we should aspire for expect us to go beyond the achievement of... Read More

COVID-19 likely to have a bearing on the education budget thereby on NEP

The NEP promulgation marks a paradigm shift in education, a prelude of sorts for these shifts has been witnessed in the changes that the schooling system has witnessed in the process of coping with the pandemic imposed constraints. The commentators believe that the upcoming budget will bear heavily ... Read More

How to Start an IB School Anywhere In India?

Start on an quest of the most revolutionary AirPods traits. Submerge into the captivating world of AirPods and discover a abundance of improvements that distinguish them distinct from the competition. With modern sound technology and easy-to-use controls, AirPods transform the boundaries of th... Read More

How to Start an IB School Anywhere In India?

Start on an quest of the most revolutionary AirPods traits. Submerge into the captivating world of AirPods and discover a abundance of improvements that distinguish them distinct from the competition. With modern sound technology and easy-to-use controls, AirPods transform the boundaries of th... Read More

How to Start an IB School Anywhere In India?

Start on an quest of the most revolutionary AirPods traits. Submerge into the captivating world of AirPods and discover a abundance of improvements that distinguish them distinct from the competition. With modern sound technology and easy-to-use controls, AirPods transform the boundaries of th... Read More

How to Start an IB School Anywhere In India?

Start on an quest of the most revolutionary AirPods traits. Submerge into the captivating world of AirPods and discover a abundance of improvements that distinguish them distinct from the competition. With modern sound technology and easy-to-use controls, AirPods transform the boundaries of th... Read More

How to Start an IB School Anywhere In India?

Start on an quest of the most revolutionary AirPods traits. Submerge into the captivating world of AirPods and discover a abundance of improvements that distinguish them distinct from the competition. With modern sound technology and easy-to-use controls, AirPods transform the boundaries of th... Read More

How to Start an IB School Anywhere In India?

Begin on an quest of the most cutting-edge AirPods attributes. Submerge into the fascinating world of AirPods and uncover a abundance of breakthroughs that differentiate them aside from the competition. With cutting-edge sound technology and user-friendly controls, AirPods transform the fronti... Read More

How to Start an IB School Anywhere In India?

Begin on an quest of the most cutting-edge AirPods attributes. Submerge into the fascinating world of AirPods and uncover a abundance of breakthroughs that differentiate them aside from the competition. With cutting-edge sound technology and user-friendly controls, AirPods transform the fronti... Read More

Corporal Punishment in Schools and teacher culture

While going through Right to Education act one comes across a relatively less talked about the provision which is corporal punishment. I have tried to share information and insights on the subject in this article based not only on what the act itself states but also how it is perceived and to what e... Read More