Search Results For : Ib-School

How to Start an IB School Anywhere In India?

Howdy to every single one of our aquatic tranquility devotees! There's nothing quite like plunging into a hot spa after a stressful day. For people in search of the absolute serenity experience, a hot tub is really unparalleled. Multiplicity is indeed the essence of living, and we wholehea... Read More

Psychological Effects on School Children in the Pursuit of Academic Excellence

School education has witnessed renewed interest amongst parent community in 21st Century. The effort and research invested into designing the curriculum of primary classes reflect that amply. With the redefinition, school education started an undercurrent of psychological change in children. The rea... Read More

How to select a curriculum solution or academic program for your school?

New School Curriculums are being introduced and the existing ones are being updated at a rate that the entire scenario of school education has truly become dynamic. To keep pace with the changing time... Read More

Importance of Planning While Starting a New School

Education is one of the basic requirements for the growth and prosperity of any society. With the growth in population, the need for new schools is ever-growing and provides immense opportunities for people interested to undertake the responsibility of becoming school owners or school promotors. To ... Read More

Need Help in Choosing Undergraduate Course / Streams Most Suited for You?

School education is evolving in tandem with the diversifying higher education and spawning industries and broadening career options, some conventional and some not very much so. There have been steady and studied developments in the curriculums and pedagogy but then there are also abrupt modificatio... Read More

The Three Language Policy—Antecedents and contemporary perspectives

The states in India were reorganized on linguistic basis. Education, it was realized has to have an element of uniformity for the idea of the Union of States to work, hence the national education boards. The states originally had, and continue to have a say in deciding the education policy.... Read More

Interdisciplinary Approach and the Contemporary Education

While we emphasize the importance and primacy of learning outcomes in the entire exercise of the establishment of schools, we try to keep school promoters, students and parents abreast of different approaches... Read More

How Multiple Intelligences based Curriculums advance classroom learning?

The theory of multiple intelligences as expounded by Dr. Gardner in his pioneering work Frames of Mind has been discussed in our earlier article. If we consider it as established that there are multiple intelligences at play during cognitive exercises like learning... Read More

Schools are Looking to Hire and Recruit Teachers Adept in Pedagogical Styles

Teachers are incomparable influences in our life’s. Their presence coincide with our most impressionable phase of the lives we lead. Remember how you learned most of the things, you simply just do... Read More

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