Search Results For : Vinod------

Why do we need Counselors in Schools

India, the world’s 2nd most populous nation of 1 billion+ and has one of the highest suicide rates under the age group of 15 to 29. In our country, it’s very common to see the school students living under the state of stress or anxiety and peer pressure and by the folks living in surrounding who ... Read More

2 Million Jharkhand Students of classes 1 to 7 may get promoted without examination this Academic Year

The state of Jharkhand will see around 3.2 million students promoted to their respective next classes this year without any examinations. The decision to promote students from class 1 to 7 sans examination is being mulled over, it is consequent to the pandemic-induced lockdown.... Read More

Closing the Engineering College? Why not convert into an International school?

The en-masse closure of engineering colleges in every state of India is indicative of many things including plummeting interest of candidates, diversification of career choices after K-12 schooling... Read More

Qualification For A School Principal

Teaching is more than imparting knowledge. It's about inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts. It's about acquiring understanding.... Read More

Interactive Flat panels, the Most Recent Replacements for Traditional Blackboards

The technology has also diverted the classroom scenario from blackboards to smartboards which is a smart way to enhance student -teacher relationship. In the changing times, the smart or interactive classrooms are becoming the standard for quality education. The best thing is these boards come up wi... Read More

Whole Brain Teaching—Pedagogy to command total attention in the class

The common thread that runs across the educational philosophies and pedagogical techniques is the inherent idea that efficacy of the pedagogical technique should be judged by the magnitude of students’ receptiveness towards the material transmitted through the given technique.... Read More

Importance Of School Architects With Global Perspective

There is a well-known quote that says, 'Architecture begins where engineering ends'. Yes, it is true. Architecture tends to focus more on the aesthetic side than its technical counterpart. It is a learned craft of shapes and forms assembled in the light.... Read More

Don't Just Open a School, Start a School that is 'Smart'

Typical classrooms inspire a scene with rooms equipped with blackboards, pencils strewn around and stockpiled notebooks. With the advent of education technology, the picture is changing. Now, it is not a “far-fetched” or “futuristic” to picture a school where monitors, computers, laptops, tablets, a... Read More

Is Coaching Different From Mentoring ?

Almost more than half of the teachers have been mentored at some point in their lives. Either when we were hired as a teacher, or when we were a new student in the class. Not many of us can say... Read More

Boost your real estate venture by starting a school

The real estate sector has a central role in planning and provisioning the necessary land, infrastructure for residential and commercial purposes. People face a host of challenges on their journey to start a school, the paucity of land being the biggest.... Read More

Open an International School in India

International education programs are gaining ground in Indian education scenario, inevitably the number of promoters opting to start an International School in India is on the rise. Besides distinct planning, the following four aspects must be prioritized while deliberating to open an international ... Read More

Five Secrets to Land Your Dream Teaching Job

Many a time someone else gets the job you have been looking for. There are a set of people who get their dream jobs easily but not because they are more talented than you, rather they stand out due to their innovative approach. Nowadays, landing a teachers' job is not as easy as it was in the past, ... Read More

The New CBSE School Affiliation System, School Affiliation Re-Engineered Automation System (SARAS) - an Overview

The national board has come up with a new and improved mechanism for streamlining the entire process of affiliation which is purportedly designed to enhance the ease of doing business with the board. It is obvious that such an intervention was required and needed. There was a feeling among the schoo... Read More

How are schools dealing with parent decided career options?

We have discussed academics in schools, relevance, and effectiveness of different curriculums in preparing students for higher education and have taken up the topics like teacher training and enhancing... Read More

How to select a curriculum solution or academic program for your school?

New School Curriculums are being introduced and the existing ones are being updated at a rate that the entire scenario of school education has truly become dynamic. To keep pace with the changing time... Read More

The School Principal As A Leader

A leader knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. But how actually a leader should be? A leader is the best when people around him/her barely know he/she exists. When the work is done and the aim is accomplished, it should feel like teamwork. And there lies the greatness of a leader.... Read More

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