Search Results For : Building

How important is the master plan for your school?

The smart and deserving master plan of a school not only maximizes the possibilities of achieving the desired learning outcomes but also helps in analyzing the future happenings within the periphery o... Read More

Robotic Education in Schools

We are moving towards an era when man- made machines are overpowering the lives of men.Several movies on robots were made depicting scenarios where equipment made by a man becomes a reason for his downfall. It is ironic that men get immersed in technology and create things to put it into his service... Read More

11 Ways to Achieve Efficient Collaborative Learning Environment

There are numerous studies that point out to the fact that the environments built on collaborative learning accomplish better learning outcomes and the information that is attained in collaborative sessions is retained for a longer time. This is attributable to the fact that people learn better w... Read More

Documents Needed While Applying for CBSE Affiliation

All applications shall be submitted online only. Following documents are required to be uploaded while making an application for CBSE affiliation online -... Read More

Whither the role of academicians in starting a school?

India is witnessing an increasing trend in the number of new schools. Starting a new school in India and providing quality education involves meticulous planning and unconditional commitment of the promoter.... Read More

A collaboration between Google India and NCERT to develop 'Digital Citizenship and Safety' course for schools announced

A course on “Digital Citizenship and Safety” in the curriculum of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) will be introduced from class 1 to 12 and will span over 14 lakh schools across the nation.... Read More

Reopening of 4,000 schools likely in Rajasthan

Several decisions pertaining to education in the state of Rajasthan taken by the last BJP dispensation are being revisited and reviewed by the ruling Congress government. This includes the revision of the textbooks nullifying the changes made under the BJP government and revisiting the merger of 4,0... Read More

NCERT and Tech Avant-Garde Sign Agreement to Strengthen Digital Transformation Skills in School Education

An agreement has been signed between NCERT (National Council of Educational Research & Training) and Tech Avant-Garde (Microsoft’s Global Training Partner) to join forces in augmenting digital skills of all concerned in school education, in order to promote a Connected Learning Community (CLC).... Read More

Boost your real estate venture by starting a school

The real estate sector has a central role in planning and provisioning the necessary land, infrastructure for residential and commercial purposes. People face a host of challenges on their journey to start a school, the paucity of land being the biggest.... Read More

Teacher Training and Learning Outcomes

There has been a lot of deliberation over the level of qualification and skills of teachers teaching across schools in India. Teacher training policies have been reviewed and commissions appointed to study and report on the scenario.... Read More

Challenges Faced by Newly Set-Up Schools

The education sector in India is constantly expanding due to the high demand fuelled by the country’s increasing population. Education is the core need for our children to acquire knowledge and become responsible citizens in the future. Through various initiatives, the government has made education ... Read More

5 Proven Ways To Make School Architecture Efficient And Economical

Magnificence is a core factor of any school architectural design But aesthetics alone doesn't serve the purpose of architecture. A piece of art becomes efficient if it is economically viable too.... Read More

How To Hire A School Principal?

Hiring the right talent for any position is a thorough process. Especially when it comes to hiring a School Principal, it is a crucial process. Many questions and doubts may come to your mind while hiring a School Principal.... Read More

Selecting Genuine Montessori Material for Schools

Inanimate objects form an important part of the inventory of the Elementary Schools. They do so for a simple reason that works on a complex mechanism—they boost imagination and the learning to relate to objects. They engage the children better and improve the span of concentration which is naturally... Read More

Indoor / Outdoor Games and Child Development

Kurt Squire, a professor at the University of California, Irvine has been contributing his life in understanding the impact of games in the learning process of an individual right from childhood to the adult age. The world calls him a Champion of the game based learning model.... Read More

What makes you eligible to start a school in India?

Apart from having necessary land and required financial resources to open a school in India, sustaining its operations until it becomes financially independent and ensuring the continuous advancement of the school are the key factors for the success of any school project. Let us examine the individu... Read More

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