Search Results For : School-

An insight into School Management Practices

Of all the enterprises, managing a school comes with its own challenges and demands. It is not logistics that define school management, it is the abstract understanding of growth and progression of human potential... Read More

Desirable Traits of a Teacher

India with its teacher-training infrastructure, one of the largest in the world, ranks inordinately low when learning outcomes are assessed. Indeed, the government schools are the ones which are annually... Read More

Approach to Designing School Playgrounds

“Children need the freedom and the time to play. Play is not the luxury, it’s a necessity.” : Kay Redfield Jamison The presence of the playground and its role in the school ecosystem has... Read More

Is Artificial Intelligence a Fad or a Fact to Come to terms with?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) appears to be taking baby steps towards its progress since many prominent figures in the field of science fictionand movieshave been anticipating about the catastrophic changes that would probably arise with the rapid increase of artificial intelligence for decades. But ... Read More

Redefining the Structure of Education due to COVID-19

A minuscule virus that has paused the lives of men worldwide has definitely altered the traditional way of education. The coronavirus has brought a shift in the millions of students getting educated from face-to-face lectures to online education. It seems that the new solutions for education coul... Read More

Challenges of Integrating Education Technology in Rural Areas

The technology is yet to set its footprints in many schools of interior parts of the country for students to attain digital literacy. This time seems to be crucial for everyone to create a pro-digital mindset as the time demands to gain virtual wisdom especially for students staying in the interior ... Read More

Re-opening of Schools-Learnings from the world

It is remarkable how the schools in India, K-12 educators and administrators have switched to remote learning practices amid Covid-19 induced lockdown. As the time goes by, the educators and administrators are redirecting their attention from providing high-quality online education to reopening the ... Read More

5 education trends to watch in 2020

The surveys have reflected that the current pace at which the students are acquiring 21st century skills will not suffice and amends have to be made in our approaches towards educating.... Read More

Findings on the adoption of Online Education in Government Schools in India

How well the schools have transitioned to online education is an area of active research interest and there have been several useful studies that have attempted to measure the degree of success that the Indian schools have achieved in adopting the online mode of education. One in the league is the s... Read More

Manage the school efficiently and get admissions?

Closely attending to both successful and retarding features of school management acquainted us with the capability to identify and rectify the features that impair the growth of a school. The reason that makes us research intensively and makes school management as one of our specialized services is ... Read More

A glimpse into International Baccalaureate® Primary Years Programme (IB PYP)

With the advent of IB  in India school promoters who wanted to try different curriculums have found a way. In our role as curriculum implementation consultants, we have found out that before deciding on IB sometimes the groundwork of understanding and appreciating the course had not been done, as a ... Read More

Selecting Genuine Montessori Material for Schools

Inanimate objects form an important part of the inventory of the Elementary Schools. They do so for a simple reason that works on a complex mechanism—they boost imagination and the learning to relate to objects. They engage the children better and improve the span of concentration which is naturally... Read More

Revisiting Bloom’s Taxonomy— An overview

We have talked about learning outcomes and educational goals and how to achieve them in several of our previous articles. In this article, I am going to discuss the theoretical device widely applied to direct pedagogy... Read More

How are parents selecting a school for their child?

It is hard to find a prototype of a perfect school in India. There are a host of factors that affect the efficiency and desirability of a school. Within the country, schools teaching the same curriculum... Read More

Does change in CBSE bye laws affect affiliated schools?

Over the last week, there has been a volley of questions from the school management of CBSE affiliated schools we helped establish as well as management of upcoming CBSE schools. It is critical to bring clarity about the affects of the change in CBSE bye laws, hence this article.... Read More

Do co-curricular activities complement learning outcomes?

We have discussed, assessed and compared contemporary curricula being taught in schools across the country in our earlier articles. We have also touched upon several co-curricular and extracurricular... Read More

What 21st Century School Architecture demands

We have expounded on the research works that correlate the school architecture with pedagogy and learning outcomes in our previous article. In this article, I wish to provide more insights into the... Read More

Use Eco-friendly School Supplies to Conserve Nature

Few things burden our collective consciousness as does the environmental crisis, at least the volume of discourse on the subject suggests that. Climate change scarcely seem fictitious now even to the most wishful of minds. The consumer economy has bitten hard on the environmental resources and the d... Read More

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