Search Results For : School--

What are Montessori Schools?

Montessori education method places regard towards the child’s individuality at its center and promotes the independence of the child. Montessori schools are numerous as “Montessori” is not a registered trademark and it is possible to set up a school and call it Montessori school even if it doesn’t h... Read More

How to Start School and get IGCSE affiliation?

To become an IGCSE school in India, a school has to first establish itself conventionally. It has to be run by a Trust /Society / Section 8 company. Such Trust/Society/Company has to be a non-proprietary organization. There must be a School Managing Committee set up by the Trust/Society. For details... Read More

Strategies to Consider for CSR in School Education

If you are thinking to commit CSR funds for improvement of a school and want to go beyond upgrading the infrastructure and add value to the educational ecosystem it is very essential to understand in detail how those who have secured such educational systems in the world actually did it.... Read More

How is India beating gender inequality through girls’ education

With gender equality being considered as a sine qua non for attainment of the development goals, the urgency attached to the question of girls’ education in India and across the world is gaining importance. Gender roles have substantially shifted but it can hardly be contested that opportunities for... Read More

UN Report Indicates Poor learning Outcomes of Children In school

The UN has come up with a report that indicates the sub-par status of educational outcomes in several areas of the world. The study has focused on the learning outcomes of the children who despite going to their respective schools are lagging on various parameters of learning.... Read More

Containing Momo Challenge — CBSE Directive to Schools

In a recent development, the Central Board of Secondary Education has notified the affiliated schools to take measures against the proliferation of “Momo Challenge”—the most recent cyberbullying phenomenon. Parallels have been drawn between the Momo Challenge and Blue whale Challenge that predates i... Read More

Early Childhood Education in India and School Readiness Program

All eyes are on the upcoming National Education Policy 2019. Time is ripe and expectations are high. It is natural to expect the NEP to deliver guidelines that transform the education scenario in the country. There are very many subjects that have rightly found voice in the NEP but there are subject... Read More

Hiring School Principal- 5 Steps To Get It Right

Hiring requires patience. Earlier it used to be about finding the right person for a job vacancy. But nowadays the concept of recruitment has become broader, consisting of finding the right person who'll do the job, enjoy the job and want to stay with the growth of the organisation.... Read More

What Are The Procedures Involved In The School Admission Process and How School Management Softwares Support This Process?

Concerning the education aspect of children, getting admission to a good school becomes a challenge. Nowadays the admission process has become very complicated as there are a number of schools with varied syllabi and different modes of training.... Read More

How to Increase School Admissions ?

Many school promoters are finding it difficult to enroll required number of students. This is in fact, one of the biggest challenge school promoters are experiencing when they launch a new school or trying to sustain an established school. Creating the best infrastructure, putting up hoardings and h... Read More

National Education Policy: Key-Systems that will Drive Reforms

The national education policy has been put into effect and now the practicalities of it are being deliberated upon and they are unraverling by the day. The scheme of the policy is to bring about large scale transformation in the school and higher education sector. The latest of the announcements ma... Read More

Comparing CBSE and ICSE Boards

Which board of education to choose? That is a question that occurs to every parent who happens to have a choice. Now as the nation is developing the numbers of parents with such choice is bound to grow. There are various opinions that end up shaping the choice of the parents with regard to the educa... Read More

Psychological Effects on School Children in the Pursuit of Academic Excellence

School education has witnessed renewed interest amongst parent community in 21st Century. The effort and research invested into designing the curriculum of primary classes reflect that amply. With the redefinition, school education started an undercurrent of psychological change in children. The rea... Read More

How to Start a CBSE School Anywhere in India?

There could have hardly been a better time to start/open a CBSE school in India and get CBSE affiliation. We say so because we are witnessing a change of orientation of the board – the 2018 reforms in CBSE Affiliation Bye-Laws, which are by all accounts progressive. The curtailment of paperwork, cre... Read More

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