Search Results For : Part-A

IB Syllabus to be Introduced in Government Schools of AP

The Andhra Pradesh government has signed an agreement with the International Baccalaureate... Read More

Why is Teacher Training a Must?

Matt Michael D'Agati is the founder of RW, a renewable energy Firm in Massachusetts. A couple of age ago, taking an adventurous journey, Matthew D'Agati ventured into the world of solar, as well as within a schedule began effectively selling significant amounts of power, mainly in the commercia... Read More

Why is Teacher Training a Must?

Matt Michael D'Agati is the founder of RW, a renewable energy Firm in Massachusetts. A couple of age ago, taking an adventurous journey, Matthew D'Agati ventured into the world of solar, as well as within a schedule began effectively selling significant amounts of power, mainly in the commercia... Read More

Why is Teacher Training a Must?

Matt Michael D'Agati is the founder of RW, a renewable energy Firm in Massachusetts. A couple of age ago, taking an adventurous journey, Matthew D'Agati ventured into the world of solar, as well as within a schedule began effectively selling significant amounts of power, mainly in the commercia... Read More

Why is Teacher Training a Must?

Matt Michael D'Agati is the founder of RW, a renewable energy Firm in Massachusetts. A couple of age ago, taking an adventurous journey, Matthew D'Agati ventured into the world of solar, as well as within a schedule began effectively selling significant amounts of power, mainly in the commercia... Read More

Why is Teacher Training a Must?

Matt Michael D'Agati is the founder of RW, a renewable energy Firm in Massachusetts. A couple of age ago, taking an adventurous journey, Matthew D'Agati ventured into the world of solar, as well as within a schedule began effectively selling significant amounts of power, mainly in the commercia... Read More

A look at important developments in school education in the decade

As the decade nears its end, we try and look back to find out how these past years have contributed to the evolution of education in the country.... Read More

Digital Citizenship - Teaching Children to Use Internet Responsibly

The scenario that is being witnessed today is that educators are by all means driven towards tech-oriented devices to facilitate learning by giving a contemporary look. The authorities are at the cusp of digitally-driven learning by using devices to attain advanced curricular goals and to habituate ... Read More

Enter COVID-19, foreign Universities offer IELTS relaxation and fee-waivers and much more to attract Indian students

Aligning themselves to the demand of the times, foreign universities are coming out with appealing offers and features including fee-waivers, IELTS relaxation etc. Besides fee-waivers, there are online courses, virtual tours, provisional admissions, and an unprecedented option to join on-campus a... Read More

Reopening of 4,000 schools likely in Rajasthan

Several decisions pertaining to education in the state of Rajasthan taken by the last BJP dispensation are being revisited and reviewed by the ruling Congress government. This includes the revision of the textbooks nullifying the changes made under the BJP government and revisiting the merger of 4,0... Read More

Educations and Health Expert become votaries for reopening of classes for Primary students in Karnataka

With the state government still indecisive on the issue of reopening of schools for lower classes, the educationists and health experts have come in support of reopening of schools for primary classes from February 1.... Read More

Anantha Lakshmi International School - A welcome addition to the educational scene of Anantapur

The southern part of India is relatively known for giving more emphasis on education which has exposed them to various learning avenues and they also have earned good reputation in terms of literacy. The state Andhra Pradesh constitutes a literacy rate of over 72% which makes it one of the most lite... Read More

Differential Learning—teaching students with different learning pace and styles

Classrooms are composed of students with varied learning profiles, diverse grasping abilities and different interests. Teachers have to come up with an approach which accommodates this diversity while imparting lessons. The approach is known as differentiated instruction and it is critical for creat... Read More

Anganwadi centers Need to be Revamped, their role to be Re-imagined

The National Education Policy has recommended the restructuring of the schooling years from 10+2 system to a 5+3+3+4 system. This connotes the integration of preschool into primary school which signifies the formalization of early childhood education. The Anganwadis that are the exclusive interface ... Read More

How Teachers can motivate the Unmotivated Students

While we have dealt with subjects like how the schools deal with ambition, the importance of architecture on learning outcomes and deleterious effects of corporal punishment on children... Read More

The Features of a Next Generation Classroom in a School?

With digital literacy on the rise and the ease of availability of information and data, it is pertinent to think about the shifts that the schools and the classrooms would undergo in the future... Read More

Buy Sell Rent School Property

SchoolProp is an exclusive online platform for listing school real estate requirements. Buyers and Sellers can locate properties, find matching school real estate and connect with each other.... Read More

Page 4 - 9 of 145 Results