Search Results For : School--

How much do you charge for new school setup services?

Over the years, we have found that each new school project presents unique challenges and opportunities. Deliverables for each new school setup are also unique. 

Fee is calculated based on the nature of the project, tenure, specific deliverables and effort involved. We offer flexible charging models for the convenience of people aspiring to open new schools –


  • Per consulting day (6 hrs)
  • A Monthly fixed fee for the project duration
  • Revenue share
  • or a combination one or more models described above


You may visit our office to discuss project requirements with our school consultants, finalize scope of work and understand the fee applicable.

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NEP declares XI and XII to be integral to Schools and not “Junior Colleges”

The National Education Policy is set to alter certain deeply embedded perceptions we have about our education system. One of such point of views is the one which categorizes class XI and XII as Higher Secondary or Pre-university. It is said that the 10+2 education system, introduced in the National ... Read More

An Aptitude Test ,'Tamanna' Developed by NCERT and CBSE for school students

The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, sources reported that the test has been developed under the aegis of the ministry.... Read More

Manuals Released for the Improvement of CBSE Schools

The board has issued a circular for the principals of the affiliated schools wherein it has directed that the manuals be downloaded and discussions on them be organized before they are adopted for implementation.... Read More

National Curriculum Framework for Nursery to grade 2 Implemented by CBSE

Implementation of National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage (NCFFS) has been announced by the Central board of Secondary Education (CBSE). As per the notification, NCFFS 2022 is being adopted by CBSE and all schools affiliated to the board will follow the new 5-year education at foundatio... Read More

Skill India Programme Takes Root in School Education

In a transformative step towards holistic education, the Skill India Programme finds its way into the realm of school education. This initiative, focused on imparting practical skills alongside academic knowledge, is set to redefine the educational landscape.... Read More

System to Preempt Child Abuse

We have written about corporal punishment earlier, in this article we are dealing with the critical socio-cultural issue of child abuse. The vulnerability of children en –route to school, in school hours and while commuting back to home has been painfully made evident to us by incidents of child vic... Read More

Should I obtain a Detailed Project Report (DPR) before I start a school?

DPR is a comprehensive school development plan prepared in consultation with the school promoters, an important start up guide for those who wish to start a new school. Further it acts as an implementation guide for promoters and can be used obtain loans for the proposed school project. DPR addresses all major issues concerning the project, namely –

  • Vision & philosophy
  • Organization structure
  • Academic & beyond academic programs
  • Staffing & Skill development
  • Master plan & interiors
  • Branding & positioning
  • Statutory & legal issues
  • Financial feasibility covering 15 years cash flows.
  • Market pricing
  • Admissions
  • Documentation for staff and students
  • Technology infrastructure
  • Project schedule
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NEP 2020 Implementation—Ministry Of Education Invites Suggestions from Teachers and Principals

Suggestions on the Implementation of NEP 2020 are sought on the implementation of the New Education Policy, inputs have been invited from teachers and principals of the school. The Ministry of Education has asked the school authorities to suggest how the NEP could be implemented effectively.... Read More

New skill modules covering coding and data science introduced by CBSE, supported by Microsoft

In collaboration with Microsoft, CBSE has introduced new skill modules, namely data science, and coding.... Read More

Sports and Health Period Made Mandatory by CBSE Board From 2018-19

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), in a bid to mainstream health and physical education in schools, has intervened elevating sports from a neglected extra-curricular activity level to a curricular standard.  Health and Physical Education (HPE), as the new subject is named is to be made a d... Read More

Hiring School Principal- 5 Steps To Get It Right

Hiring requires patience. Earlier it used to be about finding the right person for a job vacancy. But nowadays the concept of recruitment has become broader, consisting of finding the right person who'll do the job, enjoy the job and want to stay with the growth of the organisation.... Read More

The Importance Of Data Security In School Management Systems And The Measures To Ensure Them

Data is an integral element in any management process and equally important is its security. School management systems involve a huge amount of data. And hence, the security and integrity of data are to be taken into consideration for the successful operation of a school.... Read More

Findings on the adoption of Online Education in Government Schools in India

How well the schools have transitioned to online education is an area of active research interest and there have been several useful studies that have attempted to measure the degree of success that the Indian schools have achieved in adopting the online mode of education. One in the league is the s... Read More

Glimpses of NEP 2020 and Notable International Education Systems

The new education policy has deservedly been at the center of discussion in educational circles. The NEP 2020 is expected to bring about systemic changes in the way education is structured and it is also going to alter the methodologies and broaden the outcomes of school certificates, degrees, and d... Read More

Influence of pandemic on the education of school students, and steps to overcome the same

Over a year and a half into a pandemic that has caused over 4 million fatalities globally, seemingly India is set to witness the rise of its third wave. Even so, schools are looking into reopening for yet another time, thereby underlining education as an essential requirement.... Read More