Search Results For : School/

What is STEM EDUCATION in Indian School Scenario?

The cultural shift modern technology has brought about is evident from the developments taking place in every field of human thought and endeavor. To sustain the culture that is reliant on technology, a tilt of education towards technology is necessary so much so that at times, it will seem to borde... Read More

Emphasise on Emotional Intelligence in School

We’re living in a time where technology is actively influencing human mind. Since decades, the intellectual quotient (IQ) is arguably increasing consistently but from one generation to the next.... Read More

Graphic and Comic Strips to Make Learning Engaging

Learning can be even more fun-filled if children are oriented to acquire knowledge from illustrations, visuals, paintings etc. that conveys a general idea or a moral lesson rather than just entertainment.Students should also get an exposure to real-life teachings apart from the subject based learnin... Read More

Edcamps: New Age Professional Development for Teachers in India

Edcamps, an educator driven initiative are informal, participatory, one day event organized by educators or facilitators for themselves to discuss about their needs and demands.... Read More

Experiential Learning, Enhances Educational outcomes

People learn from the experiences that they have gained which is essential for a living. It is said that experience is the best teacher and it seems education is incomplete without adopting experience-based learning.... Read More

Learning Matters—How a Powerful Tool to Modify Education in Rural Areas Evolved

Saras has an overall 18 years of experience in various child education programmes, managing digital contents and also teaching in the US. She has two MS degrees from Purdue University in Child Development and Special Education. After returning back to India she contacted her friend Gowri who was wor... Read More

Project Based Learning, Connecting Real Life with Theory

Education is a way to upgrade ourselves about various information that is available and develop skills and techniques to revolutionize the working of a society or a community. We provide education to children not only to get into good grade category but become a useful member who bring about a minus... Read More

Starting a School in Remote Areas – A Case Study

The STs have largely occupied remote areas of the country which remains a crucial challenge for its development. The distinctiveness that these people bring in is their lifestyle which makes them unique from the mainstream section. As per the 2011 census, the population of these communities was abou... Read More

Seeing Lockdown in a new light—Self-study and Skill Building Resources

In the wake of COVID-19 lockdown, the schools across the country are closed and the examinations have been cancelled. State boards and the CBSE has announced that it will promote the students from class 1 to 8 without the examinations, academic calendars are being redesigned. The entire scenario see... Read More

Digital Citizenship - Teaching Children to Use Internet Responsibly

The scenario that is being witnessed today is that educators are by all means driven towards tech-oriented devices to facilitate learning by giving a contemporary look. The authorities are at the cusp of digitally-driven learning by using devices to attain advanced curricular goals and to habituate ... Read More

Trends that will shape the Primary Education landscape of India

Census of India reflects that the rural literacy rate is just 69 percent, when compared with the world average of 86 percent it is abject. The elements that are going to be most instrumental in shaping the future of primary education in India are offsprings of technological advancement besides risin... Read More

Evaluating the progress made in the decade in the arena of teacher-development

The said teacher training program was initiated for the training of the teachers who are in-service. The program was initiated in October 2017 by MHRD with the objective to impart training and award Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.).... Read More

NEP 2020: Ideas on the Ideal Age to Begin Formal Education

The National Education Policy has made many radical departures from how the schooling has come to be perceived in India. One of the major changes that the NEP proposes is to integrate the early childhood schooling into the primary schooling system i.e. preschooling will become a formal part of the s... Read More

NEP 2020: Systems to Reform School Education

The NEP has a precursor in the form of the comprehensive National Curricular Framework, as far as school education is concerned. The timeline for the conceptualization, creation and implementation was originally set as 2020-21.... Read More

The School Principal As A Leader

A leader knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. But how actually a leader should be? A leader is the best when people around him/her barely know he/she exists. When the work is done and the aim is accomplished, it should feel like teamwork. And there lies the greatness of a leader.... Read More

The Importance Of Data Security In School Management Systems And The Measures To Ensure Them

Data is an integral element in any management process and equally important is its security. School management systems involve a huge amount of data. And hence, the security and integrity of data are to be taken into consideration for the successful operation of a school.... Read More

Desired School Features In the Light of National education Policy

What features could make a school extraordinary and compatible with the National Education Policy ,and what are the elements that helps an institution ensure that the futures of the children studying under its wings is secure?... Read More

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