Search Results For : School--

Strategies and Nuances of the Teaching Job

Teaching as a job brings a whole lot of pressure provided you take the role seriously because you are the one who can make or mar so many futures. To become an effective and good teacher is a difficult task but not the one that cannot be accomplished, we wish you luck for that and remember – evolvin... Read More

Things To Do For a Cordial Class Environment

The 1950s marks the period when two psychologists Jacob Kounin and Paul Gump had a eureka moment after observing closely about the psychological changes that happen among children due to the strict nature of teachers. They are of the opinion that if a child disobeys and if the teacher adopts techniq... Read More

The Blended Learning Vouge

Learning is a subjective art where everyone has a different approach of imbibing things. There are students who just listen to lectures in the class and learn enough so much so that they open their books one day before the exam and score good grades. On the other hand, there are some children who sp... Read More

MOOC, An Online Distance Education Platform

MOOC is a platform where teachers and students collaborate which contains a pool of resources that are readily available. They have the option of listening lectures and downloading notes and the most important thing is interaction and communication with your peers. Networking seems to be of great re... Read More

Project Based Learning, Connecting Real Life with Theory

Education is a way to upgrade ourselves about various information that is available and develop skills and techniques to revolutionize the working of a society or a community. We provide education to children not only to get into good grade category but become a useful member who bring about a minus... Read More

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