Search Results For : School/

Elements of a Digital Classroom

The digital classrooms have been creating a noise in the education sector. What makes a digitally sound classroom? Is it the people or can a video conference with eight to nine people came together to study can be considered as digital classroom? Or is it the tools that can be counted? How digital c... Read More

Challenges of Integrating Education Technology in Rural Areas

The technology is yet to set its footprints in many schools of interior parts of the country for students to attain digital literacy. This time seems to be crucial for everyone to create a pro-digital mindset as the time demands to gain virtual wisdom especially for students staying in the interior ... Read More

A case for Permitting Private School Teachers to Take Up One-on - One Tuitions in the Times of COVID -19

COVID-19 caught one and all unawares. All plan sheets were virtually formatted, and for a while, several industries went comatose. The education sector found itself in the eye of the storm and governments did not lose time in issuing rulings regarding fee-exemption to be effected by the private scho... Read More

How to Enhance Student Participation in a Virtual Setup?

Classrooms incorporate students with distinct characters some are always ready to raise their hand to participate and some are hesitant to come forward and engage in classroom discussions. It’s a complicated process to bring students into conversations that require them to be vocal.... Read More

CBSE to regulate class 9, 11 admissions of its affiliated schools

As per the recent announcement made on the behalf of the CBSE, the board will now regulate the admissions for class IX and XI in all the schools affiliated to the board. The move is unprecedented as the board has never been directly involved in the admission process.... Read More

The Need to Revisit Teacher-Training

The pandemic has brought to light an open secret which is that education has to become compatible with virtual landscapes. The educators have to adapt themselves to the demands of the technology-driven pedagogies and be ready to unlearn, re-learn, and upskill constantly.... Read More

Virtual Reality and its Pedagogical Applications

Virtual Reality has found renewed interest and new avenues of applications in education in recent years. The technology that drives Virtual Reality and its experience has also evolved and become more sophisticated. The interfaces have become more user-friendly, portable, and even less expensive. All... Read More

Key Initiatives Launched by PM Modi during ‘Shikshak Parv 2021’

‘Shikshak Parv 2021’ was celebrated by the Ministry of Education from 5th to 17thSeptember 2021 to acknowledge the valuable contribution of teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic, and to launch new initiatives under New Education Policy 2020.... Read More

What are Montessori Schools?

Montessori education method places regard towards the child’s individuality at its center and promotes the independence of the child. Montessori schools are numerous as “Montessori” is not a registered trademark and it is possible to set up a school and call it Montessori school even if it doesn’t h... Read More

How to Buy Classroom Furniture and Playschool Material?

Furniture in the classroom can enhance or diminish the learning environment. Classroom furniture must be arranged in such a way that the teacher is visible and audible to every child in the classroom. In playschools, the children are supposed to be mobile in the classroom and play outdoors for a com... Read More

K-12 School Education Scenario in Rural India

Education in rural India has always been a great subject of discussion and we like bringing it into the light such that we eliminate the problems around us and make this society a better place for learners.... Read More

All about online schools

Online schools, also known as e-schools or virtual schools, are a type of educational system that encompasses any kind of learning through the internet and technology that acts as a complete substitute for both distance learning and face-to-face classes. In online schools, students can log in to a L... Read More

Importance of Planning While Starting a New School

Education is one of the basic requirements for the growth and prosperity of any society. With the growth in population, the need for new schools is ever-growing and provides immense opportunities for people interested to undertake the responsibility of becoming school owners or school promotors. To ... Read More

Comparing IB and IGCSE

International Baccalaureate® (IB) and International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) are the two International school education programs. IGCSE is also an examination conducting body. The IGCSE is controlled by a department of the University of Cambridge and IB is an education fou... Read More

Selecting Genuine Montessori Material for Schools

Inanimate objects form an important part of the inventory of the Elementary Schools. They do so for a simple reason that works on a complex mechanism—they boost imagination and the learning to relate to objects. They engage the children better and improve the span of concentration which is naturally... Read More

Influence of pandemic on the education of school students, and steps to overcome the same

Over a year and a half into a pandemic that has caused over 4 million fatalities globally, seemingly India is set to witness the rise of its third wave. Even so, schools are looking into reopening for yet another time, thereby underlining education as an essential requirement.... Read More

Start Own Brand School or Franchise School?

School promoters can opt for two courses of actions to start a new school in India. First, establishing their own school and building own school brand and second, opting for a franchise from an established school brand.... Read More

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