Search Results For : Cbse---

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

Which is better to form either trust or society to start up a new school... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

I want to get the registration for primary school how to start... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

I want to establish an educational institution.. which is best...Trust or Society yesbor... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

Trust regn to operate education and health services... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

Is it mandatory to make Trust or Society to get Affiliation of the School ... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

Is it mandatory to make Trust or Society to get Affiliation of the School ... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

Please guide as to whether a government servant become director in a Company or a trustor/ trustee of a trust. ... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

I am going to establish a school under the section-8 company, i need clarification on whether I can invite a few angel investors for reducing my loan liability and in return issue them IPO or not. ... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

Sir, I am going to open a school. However, I shall invest money. If my organization is not profitable. How can I return my money back and in other hand in this scenario what is preferable for me section 8 company or trust ... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

HI, I am looking to open a K-12 school, and would want to know which is a better way to go, trust, society or company under section 8. How it can be more beneficial.... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

Can I start school college or any other education institute under section 8 company? I am teaching in govt. aided school Can I Start school under company section8? ... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

We intend to start k12 schools. Should we start it as franchisee of a big brand or start on its own. How can you help us. ... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

I want to set up a school under trust registration act, shall the school be name of the trust or I have to register the trust first with a different name? Thanks. ... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

Can I have your email id or contact number to discuss about starting an educational institution.... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

I want to know which is better ngo a trust or society for purpose to open school or college.... Read More

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