Search Results For : Service

School Management Services Provider in India

Our dedicated School management services team will assist you to run school operations, admissions and academic programs such that school management becomes easy.... Read More

School Serv Vision

To be India’s no.1 K-12 School consulting and management services Company... Read More

School Serv Mission

Enrich education for children in schools, and prepare them for life in 21st century by providing innovative and uniquely tailored services to schools.... Read More

Starting a School in Remote Areas – A Case Study

Want to know more about your consultancy services ... Read More

Procedure for Opening a Primary School

Hi, We are from Hyderabad. Looking for support services and guidance on new school establishment- ... Read More

What makes you eligible to start a school in India?

Would want to know more abt your services.... Read More

Does School Serv provide services to clients across India?

YES, Team School Serv is equipped to deliver services to prospective clients across India. School Serv team has experience in delivering services globally. Language, State are not any barriers for new school setup. Collaborations are a vital part of what we do.

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School Management Services

School Management can be cumbersome, when management is unable to dedicate the desired time to manage school operations, market wisely, source skills and materials on-time.... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

Trust regn to operate education and health services... Read More

Assam’s Initiatives for Incentivizing Girl’s Education are Unique and Innovative

I am Director of NE Ujjiwan Foundation, I want to associate with this service.... Read More

Start Own Brand School or Franchise School?

We run six schools in Assam. We want to franchise our service.... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

What can you do to help me to start a school in a village in M.P ?... Read More

How much do you charge for school improvement services?

Fee is calculated based on the effort involved; effort varies by the nature of school. School Serv charges a task based and fixed fee for school improvement services.

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What are the charges for school management services and related services?

Charges are calculated based on the nature of the project, resources required, tenure and specific goals. We offer flexible charging models for the convenience of school management

1. A monthly fixed fee for the project duration.

2. Revenue share.

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How to Start a New School in India?

I want to start a preschool in my village where there is an aanganwadi center. If I pool my personal resources into the upliftment of the aanganwadi center and run it on my expense on a nominal fee would the administration allow me to use the building that is practically empty most of the time?... Read More

How is the school management services contract performance measured ?

Contract performance is measured based on output of specific activities, outcomes in terms of academics, child development, admissions and revenue.

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