Search Results For : Teacher-Education

Updated NCERT Textbooks Anticipated to be Implemented in 2024–2025

According to Education Ministry officials, new National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) textbooks updated in accordance with the new National Education Policy (NEP) are likely to be implemented in schools starting with the 2024–25 academic year. The National Curriculum Framework... Read More

Key Initiatives Launched by PM Modi during ‘Shikshak Parv 2021’

‘Shikshak Parv 2021’ was celebrated by the Ministry of Education from 5th to 17thSeptember 2021 to acknowledge the valuable contribution of teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic, and to launch new initiatives under New Education Policy 2020.... Read More

How Experts Reacted to the Congress' Election Promise to Bring School Education under State List?

The election manifesto of the Congress party reflects what its leaders envisage for the school education in India. The agenda includes shifting of school education to State List besides allocating greater share of GDP to school education. There is hope as well as skepticism regarding the stance of t... Read More

ASER 2023 Unveils Educational Challenges and Pathways for Rural India's Youth

The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2023 sheds light on the critical thinking abilities of rural youth aged 14 to 18, revealing concerning trends in foundational literacy and numeracy skills. The report's citizen-led household survey encompassed 34,745 respondents across 28 rural districts ... Read More

NEP 2020: Systems to Reform School Education

The NEP has a precursor in the form of the comprehensive National Curricular Framework, as far as school education is concerned. The timeline for the conceptualization, creation and implementation was originally set as 2020-21.... Read More

A case for Permitting Private School Teachers to Take Up One-on - One Tuitions in the Times of COVID -19

COVID-19 caught one and all unawares. All plan sheets were virtually formatted, and for a while, several industries went comatose. The education sector found itself in the eye of the storm and governments did not lose time in issuing rulings regarding fee-exemption to be effected by the private scho... Read More

Education Scenario and less-talked about national and international interventions

The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Education for All) programme and Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act have been instrumental in the universalization of education to a substantial degree, yet, the educational goals that we should aspire for expect us to go beyond the achievement of... Read More

Role Of Social Media In A Teacher’s Professional Development

Teachers are powerful sources of impact and influence in society. Nowadays, there would hardly be anyone who’s not interacting within a digital network for their social interaction.... Read More

NEP declares XI and XII to be integral to Schools and not “Junior Colleges”

The National Education Policy is set to alter certain deeply embedded perceptions we have about our education system. One of such point of views is the one which categorizes class XI and XII as Higher Secondary or Pre-university. It is said that the 10+2 education system, introduced in the National ... Read More

New National Curriculum Framework May Put an End to Heavy school Textbooks

The National Curriculum Framework devised in line with the National Education Policy 2020, may make the school books lighter in a phased manner. The NEP proposes to make the classroom instruction more interactive and less didactic, hence the indication that the schoolbooks and bags will get lighter.... Read More

The Importance of UDISE+ in India’s Education System

UDISE+ (Unified District Information System for Education) is a system of online real-time data collection from schools, which was introduced by the Department of School Education and Literacy (DoSEL) under the Ministry of Education.... Read More

Why do Schools fail to get admissions?

Efficient school management emphasizes the bonhomie between the management and the employees, most importantly teachers and management. The expedient measures were taken in this direction improve the receptiveness of the employees and increase the training outcomes almost certainly. It improves the ... Read More

Strategies to Consider for CSR in School Education

If you are thinking to commit CSR funds for improvement of a school and want to go beyond upgrading the infrastructure and add value to the educational ecosystem it is very essential to understand in detail how those who have secured such educational systems in the world actually did it.... Read More

5 changes that the education system of the day demands

Rote learning has ruled the roost for long and it is a prevalent mode of learning across subjects.... Read More

Structuring Preschool Curriculum - Waldorf and Pikler Preschool Education

There has been considerable research and studies done on the pedagogical methods and early education but few have been as successful and applied as the Waldorf and Pikler approaches when it comes to preschools. The Waldorf Education that is based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner has b... Read More

Trends that will shape the Primary Education landscape of India

Census of India reflects that the rural literacy rate is just 69 percent, when compared with the world average of 86 percent it is abject. The elements that are going to be most instrumental in shaping the future of primary education in India are offsprings of technological advancement besides risin... Read More

Learning Matters—How a Powerful Tool to Modify Education in Rural Areas Evolved

Saras has an overall 18 years of experience in various child education programmes, managing digital contents and also teaching in the US. She has two MS degrees from Purdue University in Child Development and Special Education. After returning back to India she contacted her friend Gowri who was wor... Read More

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