Search Results For : School-

Why is Teacher Training a Must?

Information regarding teacher training... Read More

Land and Infrastructure needed for CBSE affiliation

minimum land in acres for cbse board school open.... Read More

K12 School Jobs in India

Dear Sir, I am writing to express my interest to contribute to the virtual class environment as an online instructor for your organisation. Looking forward to contribute to virtual teaching . ... Read More

All about online schools

Hey, i found it very informative and if anyone want to know more about 12th-grade Adeeb-e-Mahir Secondary courses they can visit us!! Thank You ... Read More

How Corporate could Complement School Education in India?

The role of corporations in the upliftment of education and quality of learning has been recognized globally. The potential of the corporate sector to improve learning outcomes can be inferred from UNESCO’s ‘Education for All’ Goals and the ‘UN Global Education First’ Initiative.... Read More

“Beyond Classrooms” – Innovative Initiative in WB Schools

Schools reopened last year after a two-year gap because of the COVID pandemic. In the new session that started this January, many schools are trying new methods to teach life lessons to students while continuing with regular academics.... Read More

How to Increase School Admissions ?

Many school promoters are finding it difficult to enroll required number of students. This is in fact, one of the biggest challenge school promoters are experiencing when they launch a new school or trying to sustain an established school. Creating the best infrastructure, putting up hoardings and h... Read More

How to Start a CBSE School Anywhere in India?

I run a CBSE school in Kanpur (U.P.) I was wondering, will games and sports promotion lead to proactive growth of the students with athletic potential into sports from an early age ? I just wanted to enquire whether that is being deliberated by the CBSE?... Read More

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