Search Results For : School

7 Steps to conduct Student Friendly and High-learning Outcome Online Classes

Education has reached a stage where the physical distance is no longer a barrier to teach or learn. With the pandemic minimizing the physical activities of people, many changes have happened over the past few months. All the major educational institutions have changed their methods and strategies to... Read More

How to Enhance Student Participation in a Virtual Setup?

Classrooms incorporate students with distinct characters some are always ready to raise their hand to participate and some are hesitant to come forward and engage in classroom discussions. It’s a complicated process to bring students into conversations that require them to be vocal.... Read More

5 education trends to watch in 2020

The surveys have reflected that the current pace at which the students are acquiring 21st century skills will not suffice and amends have to be made in our approaches towards educating.... Read More

The Need to Revisit Teacher-Training

The pandemic has brought to light an open secret which is that education has to become compatible with virtual landscapes. The educators have to adapt themselves to the demands of the technology-driven pedagogies and be ready to unlearn, re-learn, and upskill constantly.... Read More

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