Search Results For : Vinod-/

How to Start a CBSE School Anywhere in India?

I want to start a CBSE school in Jharkhand, what are the procedures for doing that?... Read More

How to Start a CBSE School Anywhere in India?

Can a student take admission in class 12th in a CBSE school after completing class 11th from an ICSE school, if there are no ICSE schools in the place of relocation?... Read More

How to Start a CBSE School Anywhere in India?

You have stated in one of your post that training for in-service teachers will have to be organized by the school at regular intervals. Who will train the teachers? Can principal, vice principal and senior teachers qualify as trainers?... Read More

How to Start a CBSE School Anywhere in India?

Does the rules regarding franchisee-franchiser relations/arrangement laid down by CBSE really followed on ground, are they even practical?... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

Are there any special architects to design my upcoming school project in Andhra Pradesh, Guntur?... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

I have used designer’s help for my preschool, do I need to interior- design for primary school too?... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

Do I need to mention the board of affiliation while applying for Essentiality Certificate (EC)?... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

If, like you said, Essentiality Certificate shows the need for a school in the area, can it be considered a sort of feasibility report?... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

One of my school governing body member has a land parcel suitable for opening a school, what permissions are required?... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

Is there a limitation or ceiling established by any department regulating the school fee?... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

I want to open a high school in Chennai and enroll students though an entrance exam, do reservations apply?... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

I have opened a primary school in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, I am unable to find graduate teachers, can I hire under graduates as teachers?... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

Is it compulsory to give salaries to teachers as per the state rules?... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

The state provide subsidized land for school. by the same token, does it compensate the owner of the land at the time of Conversion of Land Use certification for educational purposes?... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

Is there any channel to appeal for CSR fund for our local government school which is in a dilapidated condition since years?... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

I am planning to open a school in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh and wish to engage your expertise in establishing and managing the school. Want to check if you are interested to associate as investment partner?... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

If i fulfill the condition of per space of per sq feet for the child and still have space left for five children exceeding 40 can I admit them ?... Read More

How to Start a New School in India?

How i can start school and how much investment and terms and conditions.... Read More

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