The Karnataka government is set to implement an app-based attendance system across all government and aided schools from the next academic year to enhance student attendance and educational quality. Following successful pilot projects in one school per district, the Department of School Education and Literacy plans to expand this system statewide. The initiative targets grades one through nine, where students currently cannot fail but often neglect attendance due to lenient measures.
A senior official explained that students with less than 75% attendance in SSLC exams are barred from sitting for exams, leading to many missing out on essential assessments. The app will allow for real-time attendance tracking, facilitating early intervention and continuous mentoring for those at risk of low attendance. Additionally, the app-based system will address shortcomings in the existing Student Achievement Tracking System (SATS), which often has discrepancies in enrollment and attendance figures.
The new system will capture precise data on government-provided benefits, ensuring that aid reaches students effectively. Ritesh Kumar Singh, principal secretary of the department, confirmed the success of initial trials, noting the education minister’s strong support for the project. Discussions are also underway to extend app-based or biometric attendance tracking to teachers, potentially using geo-fencing to monitor attendance. Pending government approval, the system aims for full implementation in the upcoming academic year.