The Karnataka School Education and Literacy Department has announced it will discontinue the additional 10% grace marks granted for Class 10 SSLC exams, starting from the 2024-25 academic year. Initially introduced during the Covid pandemic to address learning disruptions, these marks were later expanded to curb cheating, especially after recent reforms. Following criticism from Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and low pass rates, the department decided to eliminate grace marks to uphold educational standards & reduce undue competitiveness.
Education experts are concerned about a potential rise in cheating but believe a multi-faceted approach can maintain exam integrity. Suggested strategies include using advanced surveillance, such as CCTV cameras and biometric systems, to monitor exams effectively. Strict penalties, clear guidelines on consequences, and anonymous reporting channels can further deter cheating. Surprise audits at exam centers may also reinforce adherence to examination protocols. To promote authentic learning, educators advocate revising curricula with relevant, engaging content and incorporating differentiated instruction aimed at diverse learning styles.
Support classes, project-based learning, and regular feedback are essential to create genuine understanding, reducing reliance on rote memorisation and discouraging dishonest practices. Parents also play a pivotal role by modeling integrity, discussing the consequences of cheating, and generating a growth mindset. They can emphasize effort and resilience over grades, support curiosity, and provide resources for study. By reinforcing academic ethics at home, parents help create a culture of honesty and hard work among students, aiming to curb malpractices long-term.