The Karnataka government has announced the addition of English-medium sections in 373 government schools, despite ongoing challenges in providing textbooks to 1,419 schools where such sections were introduced earlier this academic year. Midway through the term, many students are preparing for mid-term exams without the essential study materials. The government’s decision, made on September 5, is part of a broader plan to add English-medium sections to 2,000 schools, a program first initiated in 2019 under former Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy.
The Karnataka Textbook Society (KTBS) expressed confidence in supplying the necessary textbooks by the end of the month. However, experts attribute the delay to the government's late announcement regarding the new sections, which has disrupted the usual advance planning for textbook printing. Prema HM, managing director of KTBS, indicated that the unplanned mid-year order has created complications.
BB Kaveri, commissioner for the Department of School Education and Literacy, noted that ad-hoc measures, such as reusing last year's books and downloading materials from the internet, are being implemented. However, academicians criticised the government's lack of planning, putting emphasis on the fact that merely opening new sections without adequate resources and training undermines educational quality. They stress the need for thorough planning, timely resource allocation, and clear communication to ensure the effective implementation of the program and maintain the integrity of the education system.