In Maharashtra's Beed district, an ordinary-looking Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) bus has become an attraction for students, by its unique education-themed interiors. Covering 200 km daily on the Beed-Nalwandi route, the bus, driven by Siraj Pathan and conducted by Vaishali Mule, picks up and drops off students from various villages. The duo has transformed the bus into a ‘mobile classroom’, spending Rs 35,000/- from their own pockets to decorate its interiors with educational materials.
The bus features vibrant images of the solar system, a periodic table, and pictures of influential figures such as Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj, Swami Vivekananda, and Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, alongside yoga poses and motivational messages. The initiative has made the ride engaging for students, particularly those from labour families involved in sugarcane cutting, who previously paid little attention to education.
Mule explained that the project has led to a notable increase in student attendance, especially among girls. The number of students using the bus rose from 200 to 290 within a year. The aim, according to Divisional Transport Superintendent Shivraj Karad, is to encourage more families to send their children to school. The bus now serves students from Vishwanath School in Wangi and Sangameshwar Vidyalaya in Nalwandi, with the support of MSRTC staff members. This initiative highlights how creative efforts can positively impact education, making learning fun and accessible for rural students.